Sunday, 25 November 2018


I am so ready for Christmas, my excitement is on another level! Let's get into it!

I love buying for others, however, this year, my budget was very small, so, I bought each loved one just one present [I often like to give two per person] and stuck with boutique stores on the high street which are purse friendly! I'm also terrible at wrapping so, I tried to be a tad more creative with it. I purchased affordable brown wrapping paper, recycled some rose gold ribbon and bought discounted present decorations. Albeit nothing remotely special, or unique, I feel proud of my extra effort and know that the recipients will be extra grateful.


Altogether the wrapping items cost £3.99!! There are many places you can find some gems without having to leave yourself completely broke! Try Amazon, Lidl, Flying Tiger [formerly known as Tiger and Tiger Tiger], Poundland, Savers and small independent shops. Cheap doesn't always equal tat!! Shop wisely.

TIP: You can save your November and December income for January if you buy your Christmas gifts between August and October! Nobody wants to start a new year broke!

I'm not always one for decorations, however, sometimes, I do like to have a few basic mini Christmas ornaments around my home. I opted for a handful of items from Poundland and B&M Stores which work a treat. I had a look in Primark too, but, their products didn't really do much for me and I found them to be a bit pricey for what they were. I don't always have a Christmas trees, but, when I do, I opt for simple and/or unusual - think of a black, or white sparkly one with minimal decor added. 

B&M Stores
B&M Stores

November 2017, the family and I went to Kew Gardens which was so amazing! The views were stunning; beautiful, and it was quite peaceful too despite it being fairly busy. 


I also had a lovely time at Winter Wonderland. There was a lot to see and take part in. I'd suggest getting there at the opening time to fully immerse yourself in all that it has to offer for the day with less people around. It's a really fun experience, in my opinion, and I hope to visit again!

Anything fun, interactive, and that the whole family, or your group of friends, can join in with, is a great way to get into the festive spirit. From ice-skating, to a weekend ski trip, a themed outing, etc., make the most of the days leading up to Christmas if you can.

When it comes to parties - from a gingerbread person, Mr or Mrs Claus, an elf, or a turkey - there are too many costumes I could suggest so, I'll leave you to research those for yourselves, ha-ha...

Whether you choose pyjamas or Christmas attire, make it quirky and fun for you and those you'll be celebrating with. If you don't celebrate, still get up and show up for yourself :)


You can coordinate with the seasonal colours, or the decor of your home. You could opt for a Christmas jumper, or a two piece and add a few classic jewellery items [keep them minimal though. You don't want to look like you've decided to rival the tree!]. Or, you can dress in a classic, simple yet stylish outfit that is both for the season and on trend. Maybe an old festive top will go well with your fave skirt, trousers, pinafore, or leggings. You don't need to buy something new and extravagant. W
hatever you go for, it's all about having a good time!


I think, for me, the most important thing is that I don't overspend. Christmas is about quality time and laughter with loved ones not the exchange of material possessions and leaving myself with empty pockets... 

Happy festive planning! 

Written by Charley Jai - @charleyjaiuk
All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing.

Sunday, 18 November 2018


There are a number of untold situations that can have us feel utterly devastated. From break-up's to job loss, financial woes, or a life changing illness; it is never easy to navigate ourselves through testing times and find the light at the end of such a gloomy tunnel.

Many moons ago I was terrible at dealing with any intense sudden changes in my life. I'd react badly and my behaviour would often hurt those around me. Nowadays, not only am I much stronger and far more capable [emotionally and mentally, despite my struggle with anxiety], I do very well, if I do say so myself, at getting back on track after something awful happens. I am so much better at dealing with life's challenges quickly and effectively.

The following may not work for everyone, however, you've nothing to lose and potentially everything to gain by trying these steps whenever you're faced with a serious turn of events...

Take a step back from the situation
Give yourself the time and space to calm your thoughts [over thinking is never helpful] and to understand your emotional connection to the matter.

Assess things as though you are an outsider 

Being caught up in the 'drama' of it all can have us respond irrationally which is likely to make things worse. What, exactly, is the real issue and how, realistically, can it be solved?

Reflect on your most recent positive memory
We automatically smile and feel relaxed at the thought of an experience that we enjoyed - this energy is always best when tackling difficulties.

Approach the issue with brutal honesty
Analyse your feelings and be real about why you're allowing them to stay with you... It may be an incredibly rough chapter but, you're alive and should continue to write the many pages left of your story in a way that contirbutes towards a beautiful ending.

Get another perspective
Speak with somebody you trust - explain things with transparency. Perhaps this trusted individual will open up your mind on the matter, or they may simply give you another view on how to deal with everything. Either way, you'll feel great once you've got it off of your chest.


Be humble
You don't know everything, you never will and you're not right all of the time which is okay. Embrace the blessings of being a student for life and the numerous people in this world who [at times] will have the answers you cannot find on your own!

Try to learn and apply the lessons immediately
An 'L' is not a loss. It is an opportunity to LEARN. It's a well known fact that until we actively implement certain lessons we will continue to battle the same problems.

New strategies
Put coping methods in place from the lessons learned so that you're less likely to feel/stay down when you arrive at the next stumbling block.

Life is way too short to spend precious time on anything, or anyone, that doesn't encourage positive growth.

Written by Charley Jai - @charleyjaiuk
All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing.

Sunday, 1 July 2018


There was a time when I was a right misery, real talk! I am now Mrs Optimistic; I try my very best to see the possibilities in every challenge and to maintain a cheery disposition no matter what. Wait a minute!! I am not one to avoid reality. I simply CHOOSE to keep a great mood, stay upbeat, happy and with a consistently grateful heart irrespective of what I might be going through. But, how?

I often remind myself of the many reasons I have to be thankful. I then say aloud at least 2 of those things and keep them at the front of my mind. In addition to that I give myself a reality check. E.G. - "I am happy and grateful to be alive and have a really cool job. But, nothing lasts forever, so, I need to positively embrace all that I've been blessed with while I still can". When you think good, you really do live good. I also ensure I am clear with myself about why I am doing whatever it is I have chosen to do. Moving with intent is a game changer!

Without committing to change it won't happen so, I make a note of the benefits I feel and see from walking with a positive mindset [especially where my anxiety is concerned] and I also tell myself, "if the effort isn't consistent the results will be non existent". Change is inevitable. If we fight it, we may hurt ourselves, or those around us, far worse than if we just accepted every turning point with grace and commitment.

I think almost everything is about reaction. I know only too well, from experience, that it will always serve me better to look for the good in any bad situation I may face. I do incredibly well, if I do say so myself, at finding a positive in any negative situation! Sitting with misery makes you more miserable which is defeatist.

To make somebody smile/laugh is a big deal for me! It makes me so chuffed to know I've added joy to another person's day and in doing so, I add to my own happiness.

We all know that the people we keep around us will automatically have an effect on our vibe. Their attitude/energy will pour into us whether we like it or not. The vibes are contagious, so, I only allow myself to be around those with the same, or a similar, frame of mind; people who make a choice to be good, kind, caring, etc.

Far from being arrogant, I am so comfortable in my skin and confident with who I am, where I've been, all that I have overcome and everything in between. I know my value and I know that it deserves to be matched!! In all areas of my life, not allowing myself to settle for anything less that I believe I am worthy of helps to sustain my positive approach to life. It's ridiculously important that one learns to maintain a healthy, respectable, honest relationship with themselves.

It's definitely a priority for me to have things to look forward to on a weekly, if not daily, basis - that could be a dinner date with friends, time spent in nature [on a walk], a blog shoot, spa day, exercise... Anything that will bring me joy!

You're one choice away from living the life you actually want! Go get your positivity on and watch how quickly you start to feel and think in a way that has you living a more fulfilled and rewarding life!! 

Written by Charley Jai - @charleyjaiuk
All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing.

Sunday, 24 June 2018


I know it can be incredibly difficult to lead with your heart, especially if you've been hurt quite badly, but, I also know that it can be very taxing on your soul when you deliberately ignore your true feelings.

Many of us have a fear of, or worry about, being let down [usually based on a past experience] and that fear/worry is likely to build a barrier between where we are and where we could be if we would just let ourselves trust again. If you allow your past to dictate your future, you will most certainly miss out on a lot of greatness which could actually last forever!

How about you take the lessons and just look ahead. Not everyone you meet will have an ill agenda towards you and, having learned from previous relationships, I'm sure you'll be able to spot any red flags and will then do a speedy U-turn, right?!? Make space for your heart to reap the joy that it deserves...

None of us are perfect and no two people are the same, so, we shouldn't judge the next by the previous. At the end of the day, when it comes to matters of the heart, you know by the way it feels so, make sure your pride, ego, stubbornness and outside influences are not standing in the way of you being with someone who could actually be The One if you'd only give them a real chance.

If holding on to pain from a toxic/painful experience has seen you block a potential new chapter with somebody and you're now ready to let go of that feeling, reach out to them and explain in as much detail as you can so you are understood and they're given the opportunity to realise why you may have been acting in a way that has left them confused about where they stand with you. Ask that they be patient whilst you recover instead of pushing them away completely. It's never easy to put yourself out there and trust again after being hurt, but, it's hugely important that you get yourself together and move past it. There's everything to gain from letting go. Leave the past alone! It can have no negative impact on where you are now, or where you plan to be, without an invitation.

There are too many wonderful people in the world for you not to find a few that match your personality, interests, standards, etc. Plus, the years continue to roll by ridiculously fast, so, literally, the time for embracing change, stepping outside of your comfort zone, taking a realistic and well considered risk on matters of the heart, is NOW!

Again, don't allow yourself to miss out on the possibility of something super awesome with someone [romantic, or otherwise] based entirely on a negative experience with anyone else. You are 1000% deserving of greatness!!

Written by Charley Jai - @charleyjaiuk
All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing.

Sunday, 10 June 2018


Personally, I take great pride in making sure my home is inviting, especially during the hotter months. Not that I host much, partly due to my anxiety and, also, because, I'm really precious about who I allow into my personal space, however, I do like to keep my home in order. So, although there's no 'one size fits all', here are a few tips to help you maintain a presentable home that you will always feel proud to open the door to [you may already do these things which is great]!

Buying in bulk means I buy less often and I save a lot of money too! It's a good idea to ensure you always have the essentials. You don't ever want to be caught out, more so if you're having guests over. I tend to purchase a few of each items [toiletries, cleaning materials, etc.] every 2 - 3/4 months and I use them sparingly [we don't need as much as we think]. 

Your own cleanliness and hygiene will have an impact on how you feel about yourself and how you socialise. Feeling fresh and smelling good, as well as looking presentable, will naturally uplift your mood, boost your confidence and put a spring in your step. Also, when you feel good within yourself, you'll want to ensure that same vibe is felt throughout your home, which will encourage you to maintain a clean and tidy household.

CopyrightCharleyJaiClear up after yourself as you go and put things back in their designated place [not just anywhere that's out of the way] straight after you're done with them. Leaving dishes to pile up, a mix of clean and dirty clothes to sort through with the time you likely do not have, a messy lounge to be tidied 'some other time', etc., could be left pending for too long, which just creates more mess and chaos! Your home is your sanctuary and so returning every day, primarily if you've had a bit of a challenging day or a full-on time at work, to a clutter free, clean space will do wonders for your overall health!

Get ready for tomorrow before you go to bed! Choose your outfit, decide what you'll need with you for the day and prepare; get everything ready! This will give you peace of mind and support a good night's sleep and, the following day, you're less likely to leave your home looking like a number of bombs have gone off after a frantic rush to get ready. 

Do a little every day so there is less to do at the end of the week/month. Make a conscious, daily effort and you will see positive, long term results. Plus, you'll definitely feel a thousand times better within yourself and about your home. Visitors will probably compliment how zen your home is too!

Written by Charley Jai - @charleyjaiuk
All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing.

Sunday, 3 June 2018


Although the actual list is far more extensive, here are a few things I think we should all implement, long-term...

The more you allow yourself to get worked up about the time you do, or don't have, the quicker you lose it. Better to spend every second doing whatever it is you need, or want to do that contributes towards good health and a good life. Let me not remind you how short life is!!

There's everything right with choosing to not settle for anyone [or anything] you do not feel, in your heart, is right for you. To settle is like telling the world, "I don't believe I am worthy of receiving the things I truly want/need". Erm, hello? You are more than worthy!

I understand wanting to stay on top of the latest trends, news, events, etc., however, allowing yourself to be consumed by things [and people] can be a distraction which isn't likely to serve you well. 

There is no such thing as Superhuman, sorry to disappoint you. When you know you could do with a helping hand, a shoulder, some advice, etc., request it. There is nothing wrong with having help to succeed. It would be worse to [potentially] not achieve success because you wouldn't ask for support.

Unless you genuinely have other commitments, whether things are good with you, or not, I believe it's a great idea to take advantage of every opportunity to spend time in good company. Sometimes the very thing we feel we don't want is exactly what we need to give us the motivating, or positive and encouraging, vibe we're missing. 

This is one of the worst things you can do to yourself and others. I, myself, have done this [gone for something I knew I could do with my eyes closed, even though I didn't want it] and, although I do not regret my choice [it was a tremendous learning curve]. Never will I do that again because, I ended up making myself unwell and I under performed because, I couldn't stand it - the building, the people, the structure, the way the business was run, etc. It was not for me!! I believe it will always be much more rewarding to hold out for something that's in line with your morals and professional goals; a role which allows your personality to shine!

Think about what it is you're doing; the things you do, how you interact with others, what and whom you give your time, energy and efforts to and how those actions contribute towards your goals. The aim of that thought process should be to reach a logical conclusion about the choices you're making so you can make better ones where necessary and possibly but, don't over think. You've got this!

Written by Charley Jai - @charleyjaiuk
All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing.

Sunday, 27 May 2018


The list below is one I believe everyone can benefit from, myself included. Nobody is consistent with delivering great communication 100% of the time, so, here are some tips you might find useful!

Before having a conversation [especially if you want to raise a particular issue] with anyone, make sure your information about the matter is on point and you're equipped with the relevant details and experience, [think about this for a few minutes based on the conversations you've had in recent months] as this can make all the difference. In most cases, to speculate, assume, pretend to know [when you really don't], or to lack the necessary understanding is likely to cause the type of problems you may not be able to rectify. 

Where possible, talk it through with yourself first. Is it a conversation you need to have? There are times when it will later be realised that the circumstances have only been made worse by sharing something you ought to have just acted on, or left alone.

Know the place you're coming from because, if you genuinely care and the aim is to simply demonstrate that, you're more likely to remain calm, positive, reasonable, patient, responsible with both your words and temperament and, most importantly, you will be respectfully honest, all of which will enable you to see things from both perspectives.

Make sure you listen to hear and for clarity not just to respond with whatever it is you're thinking, feeling, or believe! One of the quickest ways to find ourselves in an argument, or dealing with unwanted confrontation, is to talk at someone [instead of speaking to them] which can easily come off as rude and disrespectful because, maybe without noticing, we disregard the other persons views on the subject whereby, the focus is ourselves and the points we want to make. This can show a complete lack of respect and ignorance.

Don't front about anything being discussed! No level of stubbornness makes a winner!! It is more than okay to state that you need examples, or that you just do not get where the other person is coming from. Better to have the whole picture than just a frame!

Above all, [try to] have an open mind, be willing to compromise and take the time to really try and see the other point of view. The goal should be to learn something and that can only be done by listening and being patient. You do not want to lose it, especially over something that may not even be a 'big deal'! Not everyone can forgive what may transpire once tension begins to build. Try, no matter what, to stay calm.

Written by Charley Jai - @charleyjaiuk
All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing.

Sunday, 11 February 2018


Single? Not ready, or wanting to date? Anti Valentine's Day? Partner away? 

You don't have to stay underneath the duvet with your phone switched off to avoid the day of all things love and romance! Love and romance yourself!!

On the actual day itself, arrange things so that you're kept busy and focused on something that isn't only a distraction, but; that is also fun to do. It can be anything, from changing the layout of a room, some decorating, a D.I.Y project that's still pending, etc. Or, if you can, fill your home with beautiful things that inspire and encourage a positive, upbeat mood that are not necessarily typical of Valentine's Day. E.G. your favourite flowers [second favourite if they're roses, lol], freshly washed laundry, music, positive quotes/art on the walls [which you can create yourself, or get from the net], inspirational, or comical books to read, etc.

If you're in a position to, book yourself a workshop, or a course, take a trip to a gallery, or a museum. Call on a [single] friend to join you! OR, just meet with a friend for a coffee and a leisurely walk in a place that you know isn't a go-to for couples. There are so many options! If blessed with a job, hopefully your role is so varied and non stop that you won't have any time to think about it being the so-called day of love.

Instead of going out to eat, make sure you have enough groceries indoors to cook yourself a tasty treat from scratch. There are several bargain stores that sell great cookbooks too which you could buy in advance [if possible]. Perhaps you can try a recipe you've never tried before [do a Google search not via social media]. Again, maybe invite a friend over and share the responsibility of buying the ingredients as well as the cooking.

Have the day off! Seriously!! If you're already feeling a tad low about being single/alone on Valentine's Day, being active on Twitter, Facebook and especially Instagram, etc., isn't going to do you any good! It's super healthy to have the occasional break from social media anyway and what better time than a day when you're likely to see things that could bring you down? 

The reality is, it's just another day, but, it can be quite difficult for some people for many different reasons, including loss, relating to finances, etc. I see Valentine's Day as an opportunity to [for an entire day] give thanks for love in the most simple of ways [extravagance isn't necessary, in my opinion]. Be thankful for self love, love between friends, family love, even love for, or from, a neighbour! 

So, if you're prone to feeling especially rubbish on the 14th of February, either pamper yourself, or try to ensure you are with someone/people with whom you can have a laugh. The day will come and go in a blink. Make sure it's a fab one!

Written by Charley Jai - @charleyjaiuk
All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing.

Sunday, 28 January 2018


Did you start the year as you mean to live through it? Are you well on your way to achieve your goal [s] over the coming months? No matter what stage you're at, know that as long as you continue to make a dedicated and conscious effort, you're doing great!

Starting something new isn't likely to be easy and that, my friends, is exactly why doing so is greatly rewarding. Staying on track is about 2 things: [a] how much you truly want to succeed and [b] the energy you carry around with you.

Between September 2016 and October 2017 I was talking quite a good 'game', but, in my opinion, I wasn't making progress in the way I had wanted to and I was also feeling quite low a lot of the time. By November 2017 I literally snapped out of what was blatantly self pity and took responsibility for everything I labelled as 'being the reasons' for my unpleasant mood. I decided to fix up, real talk!


"There's no going back", I told myself, "to change anything that has happened, so, you better start where you are, right now, and plan a different ending to the one you're likely to meet if you stay in your misery"

I turned things around for myself, by choice, with support and a deep determination to refocus and get back on track. I invested in what I wanted after taking the time to understand why I wanted the things I had chosen to pursue and I built upon those investments daily. Doing so meant that I secured a new opportunity before Christmas [something I had added to my vision board for 2018], I sorted my home improvements [I'm no DIY Queen, but, I did a good job if I do say so myself, lol] and, most importantly, I remained open to exploring my emotions and allowing space for vulnerability realising this would aid my personal growth in a very positive way.

Folks, we already know that life can be difficult [without warning]. Those curve balls are forever on standby. Get a grip on who you are, what you stand for and why you do what you do. Know and understand the motivation behind your every move and be honest when you talk to yourself about those moves. 

None of us can go back and start again, but, we have now; this very moment, with which we can do anything. It's never too late to get back on track. Don't give up on yourself. You deserve to be here, you deserve amazing things, you deserve to prove to yourself that you're a winner. You deserve to achieve your definition of success.

Written by Charley Jai - @charleyjaiuk
All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing.

Sunday, 21 January 2018


I think January is a great month for having some time to yourself [if you can] - to chill, reflect, be with nature, or catch up on the sleep you gave up to attend the Christmas parties and shenanigans you [may have] indulged in!


If you saved some coins having taken part in Dry January and haven't over exerted yourself by partying too hard; having late, or endless nights, you should have more than enough energy and a little bit of extra cash to see the family and friends you didn't see during Christmas. Take the opportunity to celebrate something you, or they, have achieved in recent months/weeks. It doesn't matter how small you may consider your achievements to be -
celebrate and give thanks!

I usually organise quality self-care and set aside time to spend with loved ones towards the end of the month. A hearty grub and fun times all around as we make further plans for getting together throughout the year ahead. It doesn't get more positive and uplifting than that!

For those of you who may not have loved ones [or if you'd rather not spend time with them], try pushing yourself to find the strength to go out and socialise; network, thus meeting new people and cultivating fresh relationships. I know it isn't easy but, It is possible!

If you do have your loved ones within reach, however you don't believe you've any reasons to be joyful, pause for a moment to consider just how much worse life could actually be for you [many consistently struggle all year with no support or relief] and start with the fact that you are alive! Also, whether you believe it to be true or not, there are people in the world who care about you, praise God! Such things are definitely worth celebrating.

I think I may have said this to you before, but, just in case you need a reminder: It is not about what you are faced with, it's all about how you choose to deal with it that often makes all the difference. Wallow for a bit, if you must, but, make sure you don't stay down. Get up, dust off your ill vibe, call someone you like/trust/love/care about and arrange to meet them before the month is done! Go!

Written by Charley Jai - @charleyjaiuk
All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing.

Sunday, 14 January 2018


Nobody can live forever and your time is limited. There is nothing in this world that will remain indefinitely and that is why, within reason, [in accordance to the law wherever you reside of course], you should go after everything you want for yourself based entirely on your truth and not outside influences.

I believe everybody is deserving of more than what they might choose to settle for. In love, friendship, with a job/career, etc. Some people, having run out of steam in the pursuit of their goals, make the choice to quit and instead accept anything 'fairly decent' that doesn't even tick one of their previously super important, must-have boxes. That's very sad.

But I get it... Life is tiring. It's either not enough, or too much, but, rarely is it 'on the money', so to speak and, for some people, the never ending struggle to succeed can become a battle they lose the strength and will to keep fighting. Here's the thing though: I'm almost certain that choosing to make do with the cards you're dealt is far more draining mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually, not to mention forever unsatsfying, than if you keep pushing for what it is you truly want, and one of the best ways to do that is to take responsibility for [and control of] your choices.

You won't always get along with your relatives and that's normal [for us imperfect humans], however, you don't have to be about the problems. You can be the one responsible for keeping the peace and not adding to any heated situations by controlling what you say and do. e.g.I don't have the best relationship with some of my relatives yet, instead of arguing about anything, I simply choose to remain respectful, polite [albeit at a distance] and where possible/necessary I positively contribute towards our relationship because, life is too short for family feuds.

You won't be in sync with your friends 24/7. There will be disagreements, fallouts, length periods of absence, etc. However, there will also be room for conversations. Choosing to calmly discuss your differences is a far better way to maintain a friendship. e.g. I have a friend with whom I very rarely see eye to eye. I love him and think the world of him [I'm not sure he even knows this so, I actually need to make that clear], but, we're often on different pages [owing to a number of factors] and that can lead to upset which creates tension. However, taking some time out to evaluate our friendship and reflect on my standards, as well as my expectations and then adjusting them slightly, realising they were a tad high, real talk, means we now get on much better! Instead of getting angry [like I use to] and spitting venom at him, whenever we have a dispute, I breathe [literally], pause for a moment to consider his feelings and his perspective and then I calmly share my reasons for why I disagree with him and guess what? He now does the same and we're a lot better as a result because, life is too short to lose friends over nonsense. 

You won't have it be romantic, adventurous, fun and sexy all the time, but, here's the thing: that is actually the beauty of growing together; learning what makes each other tick in different ways and at new stages of the relationship. e.g. My ex never understood what I meant when I said, "I have my life, you have yours and then we have one together". Somewhat shockingly, I had to explain that I believed it was healthier for us not to be joined at the hip; to allow one another the space to do things separately, which would likely help us to not take one another for granted and to also remain excited for when we do see each other because, life is too short to become complacent. 

Not taking myself too seriously - bathroom selfie
You won't immediately achieve all that you set out to because, we all need to take on the challenge of a few hurdles in order to realise and then appreciate just how strong we are and how well equipped we are to handle everything that comes our way. Building and retaining resilience is everything

However, your success depends entirely on how you choose to respond when things don't go the way you'd like them to. e.g.I once applied for a job that was advertised as being exactly what I was looking for. I was offered the position and once I started realised it was nothing at all like I had been told by the employer. I decided to speak out [which was received well] and subsequently gave me the opportunity to get ahead professionally [in the company] and to learn from my colleagues; making the best of a not so great situation because, life is too short to be unhappy at work.

You won't like, or get on with everyone you meet. Fact! There will be personality clashes, or traits that irk you, or it may just be that you don't like the vibe someone walks with and that really is okay. However, the best way to deal with such people [if you have to be around them] is to limit your contact with them, to not take them too seriously [or yourself for that matter] to remain courteous and respectful, and don't entertain anything that doesn't sit right with you [which can be applied to all areas of your life] because, life is too short to give your time, or energy to anyone, or anything that doesn't add value to you! 

No matter what, don't box yourself in and try not to be influenced, or swayed by others. Remember, as I have told you before, you are worthy of greatness, but, in order to achieve that, you have to be all in when it comes to taking risks as well as making choices that others may frown upon. 

As long as you know, 1000%, that you are being/doing the best you can possibly be/do for yourself, and not to impress, or keep up with everyone else, you're winning!

Be confident in all that you are and all that you stand for/represent. You have a right to remain unique. I mean, nobody wants to be a clone do they? Life is definitely too short for that! LOL!! x

Written by Charley Jai - @charleyjaiuk
All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing.