In March 2017, I shared some exciting news with you and, for a short time, the products were available for you to purchase. This was so surreal (I just could not believe it) yet I acknowledge what a huge step it was in terms of partnerships and collaborations!! Go me!
Each pound you spent went directly to charities supported by the now-defunct Nothing Clothing Company. I did not and will not earn a penny from the sales. I simply put my name to something I believed in wholeheartedly and I wanted to support in any way I could upon learning about all of the sensational work the company had done to change people's lives.

As well as those pictured in this post, there were 2 other products on the former NCC website - a hoodie and jogging bottoms - and each of the items came in a variety of colours. It was such a big and exciting deal for me at the time and I still pinch myself when I think that I had the privilege of being made a partner to this incredible brand/company. I am deeply grateful to those of you who made a purchase. You are truly amazing!!

Please note that the limited-edition range is no longer available and, with the company folding, there is unlikely to be another range that is produced in the future. You can follow their blog for updates.

Thanks, again, to all who showed support of what was a life-changing and inspiring cause/experience! x

 All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing.


  1. WOW! This is really good Charley! It's great that money goes to charities and I believe that there should be a business spin off for you somewhere x

  2. Bless you, Sam. That means a lot! I'm just super happy to be able to support NCC in this way x

  3. Nice one Charley, didn't realise it's all going to charity. Good on you!!

    1. Yep! Thanks so much for your continued support, Duval. Hope you'll make a purchase 😋


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