Sunday, 3 May 2020


We had the world of information shoved at us and too many with ‘advice’ and 'suggestions' on what self-isolation would mean, how it may potentially impact us and what we should and/or should not do during the lockdown. At one point (for a couple of days) I had to switch off the news, mute all notifications for social media and WhatsApp, delete email updates from subscriptions (all of which I delve into in small doses now) and just breathe. I started to read more books and write for my blog. I decided that I would create a daily to-do list, set myself weekly goals and maintain a routine. My aim was to ensure that, no matter what, I had things in place to help me focus on the positives and to encourage myself to remain hopeful.

Copyright Charley Jai

For me, it is everything to be productive! I love waking up early to exercise, meditate, pray and reflect. This is something I have been committed to and have seen the benefits of during lockdown, especially as I've been able to exercise for a longer time in the mornings and for a second time in the afternoons. Twice daily workouts have been my absolute joy!

Some of my goals might not seem that big of a deal to you, or they may shock you based on how you view me, but, I am deeply proud of myself for sticking with all that I put in place to keep myself healthy – mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. It isn’t ever a walk in the park but, it is so necessary…

Copyright Charley Jai
However, there is NO one-size-fits-all. It really is a case of each to their (survival) own. There is no right or wrong with your approach to handling this intensely uncertain chapter in our lives. If all you manage each day is a stretch, great. If you only open your eyes and yawn but stay in bed, great! Whatever you feel capable of doing daily is fine. No two people are the same, so, nobody should expect that everybody is able to navigate their way through this bizarre season in the same way. We are so different from each other. It’s okay to do nothing and it is also okay to do everything. 

Personally, I need to be busy albeit with a clear purpose.

Here are some things I am proud of having achieved during the lockdown: mould treatment in a few areas of my home, braiding my own hair (from scratch) for the very first time using Xpressions, writing more for the blog, taking my own photographs for each blog post, no retaliation towards nuisance neighbours (disturbing the peace almost religiously with their unnecessary noises – when this happens I cannot do anything. I can’t read, focus on writing, watch TV, or meditate. I just have to sit and wait for the horrid, intrusive sounds to end), maintaining cleanliness throughout my place (not once have I let dishes or any mess pile up), decluttered, made a banana loaf (which I had not done before but had always wanted to do and it was SO good), starting a new creative venture (just for fun) and making my own smoothies (something I had not bothered to do in the past) thanks to Vitamer!

Copyright Charley Jai

Often, it really is about the simple things in life. I have truly felt relaxed most days, positive, upbeat, happy, calm, excited for each day. Despite the occasional battle with anxiety (which has sometimes prevented me from going outdoors), I am not worried about life after lockdown. I know for a fact that I have my daily routine to thank for that as well as almighty God! All of the above said if I had been feeling down, unmotivated, and as though I just cannot be bothered with anything, this would also be okay because, I am not perfect and this is a new, shocking situation none of us saw coming!

I hope you are managing well, all things considered. Go easy on yourself, it's a strange time.

Written by Charley Jai - @charleyjaiuk
All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing.


  1. Well said Charley! At a time when we're having so much dictated to us left, right and centre via the media, social media, (even friends and family sometimes!) you're "Do you" attitude is so refreshing and true! I'm fortunate to be with family, so spending more time with them than I usually would has been positive. In regards to returning back to (hopefully a better) normality, I very much want to keep a grip on the more important things that have become a focal point and, "Don't put off tomorrow what can be done today"!

  2. The first two weeks was trying. More so due to the fact that we were forbidden to leave our homes and the beach. It is hard to accept someone elses restriction imposed on your life.
    I worked remotely, so that kept me busy.
    Though baking is a normal activity in my household, my daughter and I got more adventurous with treats and bread types.
    I was able to avoid the major supermarkets which limited my options for meals, but with a bit of creativity we accomplished, some simple and tasty meals.
    Gardening; I had started prior to the lockdown and make time for my plants daily.
    In all essence, keeping busy and engaging in activities with family is a great way to pass the time.
    Board games outside on the lawn instead of inside was a refreshing change....

    1. I really enjoyed reading your comment, thank you. I imagine many can relate to you. I'm so pleased that you and your daughter have a number of activities to keep you occupied. God bless you both x


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