The first couple of months of a new year can have you feeling a bit "meh" which can be difficult to shake.
You might remember that I have a Gratitude Jar which I go through at the end of each year. I fill it daily with everything I am thankful for, or that makes me happy so, it is never empty. That way, it's a go-to when I need a positivity boost.
I think it is so important to keep around you the things [and people] who are good for you. Doing so is likely to have you feel good more often than not.
From your favourite book, a piece of music that always puts you in a great mood, an aroma that keeps you relaxed, a cherished one who makes you laugh, carrying a sketch book [if that's your thing], to the one place where you can 'breathe', where possible, if you keep them within reach, such things can do absolute wonders for your overall well-being.
You're an imperfect human; you won't be happy every single second of each day, but, you can put certain things in place to help bring you back to a positive state of mind whenever you start to feel down about your circumstances, or certain things going on around you.
I often carry a book to read [one that is inspiring, or motivational]. I also keep with me a notebook and pen so I can write down the opposite of my thoughts when they become a tad gloomy, or I use the note app on my phone. This works really well for me.
Find what works for you. Have next year be one that you remember for [more of] the right reasons.
All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing.