Sunday, 24 September 2017


There are times when I feel empty. It isn't just about a sudden creative block, or not being able to decide what I should blog about, or cover on the radio, etc. I have moments that can turn into weeks, or months of complete absence of self. Do you get what I mean by that? I literally go through a phase of just not knowing what I'm doing, why, of my actual purpose and where I should be at this point in my life. Sounds a tad dramatic, I know, but, this is (my occasional) reality...

Despite knowing better, I've often believed I'm the onlly person who experiences this - feeling uninspired and lost. However, I recently had a friend reach out, about one of my blog posts actually, who shared with me their own occasional tug of war with themselves, and it reminded me that we are never the only person to face difficulties, nor are we ever alone with anything we go through. There is always somebody else who has been, or is, on a similar path. Not only is there comfort in that, there's reassurance.

It's all about ensuring we have coping mechanisms in place. For me, aside from prayer, meditation and listening to upbeat music, I find a quick distraction to stop myself overthinking. I start reading or go for a walk. I also create visual reminders of how far I've come, I have a vision board, and I also write whatever comes to mind without thinking about the words on the page too much (which is how this particular post came about). These things help me massively!

I think when you feel uninspired and lost, it can be a great place to be in. Sometimes that's when you create your best work, a new idea, or get the answers you've been looking for to take you to the next stage of your life/career.

So, try not to feel down when it seems like everyone else has their ish together and you don't. Remember, no two people are the same and none of us are walking the exact same road (that and the fact that a lot of what you see online has been edited to portray a lifestyle, or present an image, that does not entirely represent the truth). Also, anything worth having is likely to be challenging which is a good thing because, you will appreciate it even more when it finally happens and it will happen if you keep trying

Written by Charley Jai - @charleyjaiuk
All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing.


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