Sunday, 17 September 2017


DISCLAIMER: This post contains raw, unedited self captured images of my abdomen.

Improving ones health and fitness are intimidating, real talk. When I made the decision to change my lifestyle I was prepared to be challenged both mentally and physically. The truth is, if not for the pesky fibroids (which live in the lower section of my abdomen, causing it to protrude) I doubt I would have been able to maintain the changes I've made. 

Eating better, exercising (up to 1 hour, 6 days a week), meditation and working on my relationship with God (daily) has all contributed to the progress I have made and instead of a hysterectomy, I am considering a myomectomy.

On Friday 15th September 2017 I had an appointment with a new Consultant at my chosen London hospital and she gave me the news I had been wanting to hear since I was first diagnosed!! "You don't need to have your womb removed, we can just remove the fibroids".

I'll be sure to keep a diary (if the surgery goes ahead) and take as many pictures as possible so I can share the journey post op/recovery, god willing, to inform, educate and encourage those with any poor health conditions to seek advice and the necessary/relevant help to remedy the problem.

My anxiety conerning invasive surgery and subsequent recovery is A LOT, however, I am so ready to have these gremlins removed from my stomach and to then, hopefully, regain my former shape and continue living an even healthier lifestyle! Pray for me, or if you don't pray, visualise the operation being a success, please. I'll need all the positivity and words of encouragement that I can get should I choose to have the op!! If there is no post-op update within a year from the publishing of this article (17.09.2017) then it's safe to say I chose not to have the operation but am living well.

Written by Charley Jai - @charleyjaiuk
All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing.


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