Sunday, 16 August 2020


Hello, you might need to enlarge the photo to read my message to you! x

Thank you so, SO much for your support. It will always mean the world! 


Charley - @charleyjaiuk x

All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing.

Sunday, 12 July 2020


"You definitely have a great voice for radio and voice-over work, Charley, and you also have a really nice face for the screen too. I honestly think you're in the wrong line of work. You should be a presenter, or documentary maker, maybe voice reality TV shows? But you most certainly should not be working on a desk, at a computer screen, all day, where your talents are wasted instead of being given every opportunity to shine!"

It's SO lovely when I receive such complimentary encouragement. This is something that has been said to me, by various people, in different ways, for many years. I've worked in T.V., Theatre, Film, and Radio and have loved those gigs/jobs more than any other, so, this is my path for sure, however, I've yet to find the right door. But, I will keep striving until I do.

I don't usually divulge such things, but, I wanted to share this in the hope that it encourages anyone who might be feeling discouraged at this time. Rest if you must but, do not quit. Your talents are exactly what somebody somewhere is in need of. They just haven't come across you yet. They will if you stick with your pursuit!!

Also, EVERYONE is watching. You just never know which pair of eyes looking at your work will have a vision for you that is aligned with your own. Stay hopeful and keep working on yourself. Get better, stronger, develop your skills and prepare for when it's your time!

Charley x

An audio version of this post is available via - SPOTIFY and PODBEAN

All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing.

Sunday, 28 June 2020


To the ones who are ACTIVELY anti-racist,

THANK YOU for showing up, for putting your career on the line, for risking potential opportunities, for taking on the opposition of your family, for losing friends, for accepting the loss of love, for standing up in the face of so much hate in support of Black and Brown people. For not backing down, for not giving up, for committing to the cause, for staying by our side, for every post shared to highlight (systemic and institutionalised) racism and every other sickening treatment on those targeted just because they are Black and/or Brown. 

For choosing to get educated, for wanting to help however you can, for openly using your privilege for good and to better the lives of Black and Brown people. For publicly being in support of (ALL) BLACK LIVES MATTER... 

A nod to the white people who not only get it but have consistently demonstrated that they will continue to be forever about it - THANK YOU!

Black and Brown people are likely to always feel the negative impact of what has been done to them historically and what they are experiencing today (as well as anything that may be ahead of them in the form of racism, etc.). However, I know most (if not all of us) realise that not every white person is racist. We see those of you who are firmly in our corner, speaking on our behalf and boldly making moves, irrespective of any repercussions, in a bid to help us put an end to the harsh treatment we have faced at the hands of the oppressors for centuries. 

Gratitude is a must and so, with this post, I am extending a hearty THANKS to each white and non-black/brown person doing their part and then some! 🖤

God bless,
Charley - @charleyjaiuk x

All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing.

Sunday, 14 June 2020


No disclaimer because I don’t gi a rarse who may or may not be offended. My truth, in this post, is born from pain. The pain I am entitled to feel, to sometimes wallow in and to share as and when I see it is necessary. Necessary to heal, necessary to help others heal. Heal so I do not turn into my oppressors, the oppressors still oppressing in the face of the current times, oppressors who do not realise their time is about to be up, the oppressors of Black and Brown people. People with heart, soul, ongoing strength, the loudest courage, deep wisdom, and an awakened emotionally charged fire no amount of 'comfort' can put out.

This chapter of the fight, BLACK LIVES MATTER, is The One that will not end until Black and Brown people see the change we have needed to see since 1619! We are finally using our voices in a bold and unapologetically passionate way (no holding back, just like our ancestors) to speak on every injustice and we will keep speaking, shouting and pushing for our voices to be heard until we get results!

Jim Crow's segregation laws had the objective of denying persons free from slavery any equal rights or access to the political system. Those laws have been abolished, it is now 2020, yet there remains among us too many who are religiously ignorant. They're about to get the most shocking wake up call of their lives because Black and Brown people are NOT having it anymore. The unlawful killings of Black and Brown people will eventually STOP!!

The brutal lynching of George Floyd, like a shockingly disgraceful long list of Black and Brown people before and since him, stirred up the world of emotions in me. His unlawful murder got me in my throat and in the pit of my stomach. The anger was instant and has not left an ounce of my being. But, do you know what? I don’t want it to. I need it to stay. I need to stay hurt, vexed, for the fire in my belly to continue to roar, for my head to continue thinking of ways I can contribute towards the change we need and for my heart to remember that love is why we are here and love is why we matter. Love is why we fight!

To my Black and Brown people – we feel, think, digest, process and respond differently, but, we ARE and always will be one race; one community. We are affected, but we are not broken. We may be physically distant but, we can be socially connected. Some of us will protest offline and some of us will make noise online. However we choose to invest, the important thing is that we do (respectfully and peacefully) because without a united stance we may never have the oppressors recognise that our lives matter! Don’t come together just for the time. Come together and stay together indefinitely because each of our lives depends on our unity. We need to continuously feel proud of our heritage, spurred on by the great achievements of our ancestors, push forward with the work we are doing today and believe that, by the grace of God, concrete changes will follow. We need to continue the fight for as long as it takes. Together!

White racist people, read this slowly – Black and Brown people are not here to serve you in any sort of way and we were not birthed to be hunted for sport either! Your sudden realisations that you have been or are ignorant is not something we can support you with but, there, there now... Google is readily available to everybody! Get educated, elevate your consciousness, unlearn the conditioned thinking and behaviour that has caused you to despise Black and Brown people! Change is hot on the heels of everyone. Don’t resist the revolution, get with the programme!!

To White people who are genuinely in support of Black and Brown Lives - the most important things you can do to support us is to use your privilege to STAND IN THE WAY OF BRUTALITY and to open the doors to platforms where we can and will be heard, responsibly and respectfully.

I am proud of my fellow Black and Brown people. Proud of the activism efforts of so many. Proud of the conversations we are finally showing up for. Proud of the honesty we are sharing. Proud of the movement - BLACK LIVES MATTER TOO! BLACK LIVES WILL ALWAYS MATTER! 


via Instagram

AUDIO VERSION of this post can be listened to here: 

Written by Charley Jai - @charleyjaiuk
All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing.

Sunday, 10 May 2020


At the age of 18 (1998 - College), I chose to get inked and it was quite a big deal back then. 2 of my friends at the time were also super keen to be tattooed, however, we knew that our parents would be furious with us. Nonetheless, we saved up our allowance and had every intention of going through with the carefully planned “Tattoo Adventure”.

Buzzing, literally giggling and dancing as we made our way from College to the tattooist in Forest Gate, East London, we arrived at the small shop adjacent to a hair salon and instantly felt panicked! It would be a while before choosing which one of us would go first. One of my friends did (she chose to have a butterfly tattooed on one of her breasts), I was second and the third bailed! LOL! I decided on, what I felt at the time, was a bold choice (albeit not as bold as my friend with the butterfly)...

Copyright Charley Jai

At the top of my right arm, I have a dolphin leaping through the sun, which I chose from a collection of designs at the shop. I was SO in love with it and use to look at it almost all the time. It made me feel happy, energised, confident, hopeful, at peace and motivated. Why? For me, it represented my lust for adventure, my fascination with dolphins (not the pink ones, lol) and my dream to live somewhere sunny, remote, close to the water and peaceful. I still feel this way about it, but, it’s fading slightly so I may have it redone at some point.

Copyright Charley Jai

It wasn’t until I turned 23 or 24 that I invested in my second body art. This one was to be designed by my boyfriend at the time. An incredible dancer of Nigerian heritage who was shy, but charismatic and impressionable, but not somebody who was ever in your face, soft-spoken but firm when he needed to be, a great cook, always a lot of fun and he had the most calming nature. With both of us being performers and creators, to say that our love for the arts was on another level didn’t even come close to how we felt about the industry. Randomly, we also became obsessed with Adidas and it was quite intense, LOL!!

I wanted a tattoo that would represent my relationship with the arts and my desire to stick with it while also wanting to be free from all the ‘drama’ (no pun intended) that came (and still comes) with it. He created his own version of the comedy and tragedy masks attached to a chain held by a hand in a closed fist which was spot on! It took over 20 minutes for the tattooist (the same one in Forest Gate) to finish inking my lower back. I was dripping the world of sweat, but, when it was done, I instantly felt empowered. It is my least favourite tattoo whenever I put on weight (sigh) however, the representation and feeling when I look at it are the same.

FYI: These were the clearest pics I could snap of the tattoos below...

Copyright Charley JaiCopyright Charley Jai

On the back of my neck, I have a small tattoo which took about 5 minutes to ink of a heart with an upside-down music note. My love for music has been apparent since I was a child. Music is freedom for me and always will be. It is my joy, my pick-me-up, my answers, my redirection, my release, my mood shake, my wake-up call, my dose of real talk, my spring clean backdrop, my sanity. Music is my go-to for everything. Put a feel-good riddim on, especially a tune from the ’90s, and I am a different woman with moves nobody knew existed. LOL!

“Defective stars”. This is what I asked for when I walked into an unfamiliar tattoo shop one day sometime between 2006 and 2007 when I was struggling emotionally and mentally; I have no clear memory of the whole tattoo experience, but I do recall that the guy was in a rush and it actually worked in my favour. The 3 stars are on the inside of my left wrist and they serve as a reminder of my strength and resilience during a time when I felt lost, vulnerable and somewhat disconnected from myself, and then having taken back my power by choosing to fight through my demons. I was determined to not give up on myself and I had to start by quitting the (bad) habits that were holding me back. It still helps today when I look at the design and am reminded of that time and what I have overcome. They are beginning to fade so, I'd definitely like to have them redone at some stage.

Copyright Charley JaiCopyright Charley Jai

My unique rose is a symbol of pain and love. Tattooed on the outside of my left hand, it serves up a daily dose of fierce determination in memory of my favourite uncle who was a friend and like a father to me. He passed away in 2007 (I had the tattoo done sometime after, possibly a couple of years later, I'm not sure) and I miss him more than I know how to articulate. The rose is a comfort to me and I intend to have it restored.

Five tattoos, four of which are often hidden (by default clothing choices), each of them with me permanently and, so far, since 1998, I have no regrets about that.

Written by Charley Jai - @charleyjaiuk
All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing.

Sunday, 19 April 2020


Dear Beautiful, Fierce, Confident, Inquisitive, Multi-talented, Young Charley,

These are some things you ought to know and understand before you enter adulthood...

Copyright Charley Jai

Fall in love with yourself first.
Health should be your number one priority.
Achieving long-term happiness is a goal worth pursuing!
People, everywhere, will treat you how you allow them to.
Racism and discrimination may be an ongoing challenge. Stay dignified.
Many employers/senior staff will abuse their power simply because they can!!!!
Not every Landlord or council will do right by you despite you being a responsible, reliable tenant.

Have solo trips, plans and adventures.
Not all who tell you they are your friend will be true.
Speak your mind, but, think before you open your mouth!!!!
Apply logic - illogical action is often the taking of risks not worth taking.
You are naturally funny which is a good thing – everybody likes to laugh.
Copyright Charley Jai
You are SO deserving of success.
Your worth and value combined are infinite.
To achieve you must commit and be consistent.
Pay close attention to your gut feelings about others!
Negative opinions are mostly born from insecurity and ignorance.
If you're seen as a competitor, you may be socially excluded and kept out of the 'opportunities' loop.

Family is not limited to those of the bloodline to which you were born.

Live in the present moment for nothing else beyond that is guaranteed!
Being a woman doesn't mean becoming a mother and catering to a man!!
Try to learn and apply (sooner than later) the lessons gained from every experience you have.

Copyright Charley Jai

You'll always be better off staying true to who you are at your core. 
If you choose to change, make sure you do so for you and not others.
Look for the positives in every negative - perspective can be everything.
Fight for what you believe in - fight with your heart; instinctively, but also listen to your mind.

BOUNDARIES are a must.
Your body, your terms. Always!!
See failure as a redirection; a learning curve and the chance to grow.
Anxiety is going to be something you'll battle with but, eventually, you will win.
It's important to be educated, but formal education is not everything you'll be told it is.
Any confusion about who you are/who you want to be is natural and normal. Be patient.
Remember: you are loved, you are wanted, you are appreciated and you are SO gorgeous. Head to toe!

Yours wholeheartedly,
Adult Charley x x

P.s. God truly is love!

All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing.

Sunday, 12 April 2020


While essential, self-care isn't just about pampering yourself with face masks, a body scrub, a fresh set of nails, or a new haircut, having a social media detox, a solo adventure, etc. It also involves working on your mental and emotional health. To do that, some choose to meditate, to practise yoga or indulge in motivational podcasts, and then there are those who create music (their own therapy and light relief) to empower others. One such person is the remarkably talented songwriter and singer, Eve-Yasmine Saoud-Easton.

Photograph Credit: @stoyanovjones

Eve-Yasmine happens to be a very dear friend of mine whom I have known for roughly 10 years and I am definitely one who is forever inspired and moved by her courageous grind (her solo trip to L.A. comes to mind) in pursuit of her career and life goals. She truly is a wonderful person and I love her so much!

Copyright Charley Jai

Copyright Charley Jai

Her recent lyrical inspiration is titled Glow Up and she certainly has! You've got to watch her lay down her glowy sass in her video (link below) which offers a visual stimulus to the audience. Colourful, fun, quirky and edgy all at the same time.

Once a keen and refreshingly unique T.V. and stage presenter, Eve-Yasmine (Eve) has always wanted to uplift and encourage everybody around her to pursue their dreams and succeed in whatever they choose to do. So, it makes me super happy to see her achieving her own through consistency, determination, diligence, tenacity, courage, a big heart and always with a smile in a bid to inspire others. This fierce work ethic and drive is no doubt the reason why in March 2020, Eve was blessed with her biggest career opportunity to date - her debut headline gig at London's 02 in Islington!

Photograph Credit: @josh_snaps
Photograph Credit: @josh_snaps

Before a packed audience of fans and loved ones, Eve graced the stage to deliver her easy-listening vocals to the backing of feel-good beats courtesy of her amazing live band and assisted by two beautiful backing vocalists (her lovely friend, Andriah, and Eve's stunning sister, Mia). A delightful treat of positive vibes and motivation with every song, but, especially the aptly penned Glow Up which served a hearty and timely dose of inspiration.

Even throughout this surreal time, Eve continues to seek out opportunities to help her maintain an optimistic focus and earlier this month she featured on Roc Nation's Instagram Live with their senior A&R! Singing with ease and that beaming smile of hers, Eve wowed and entertained all who tuned in. It was epic!!

Photograph Credit: @stoyanovjones

You would be wise to follow Eve-Yasmine's career and can do so via the links below.

Thank God for the musicians/artists in this world, for where would we be without music?

Written by Charley Jai - @charleyjaiuk

All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing.

Sunday, 29 March 2020


Coronavirus itself is awful. Fact. But it isn’t an entirely awful time at the moment.

Copyright Charley JaiThankfully, some of us are alive, generally well and have been self-isolating to protect ourselves and others against the killer virus. Yes, some employers are quite literally playing with the lives of their staff - they know that nobody can afford to take unpaid leave, but they also know to self-isolate is a necessary precaution - yet they make employees go into the workplace despite them not being critical staff or having any work to do. However, again, thankfully, a lot of those workers remain alive and well. Let's also be grateful for the ones still blessed with a job and a steady income!

Yes, the UK Government were backwards in coming forward (when you compare to the action taken by other countries much earlier than the UK) however, initiatives are now in place with, I pray, more to follow that will rightfully benefit all of us in the short term and long term.

I'm no expert where this matter is concerned, nobody is. I'm just trying to encourage a brighter perspective. These are very dark times but, there are positives:

- The NHS and those on the frontline!!
- There are known survivors of Coronavirus
- You can tap into lots of encouraging posts online
- You can complete or start that overdue DIY project
- Relationships can be improved or end more amicably
- You have the opportunity to explore hobbies/interests
- The ones who are loyal and true are much easier to see
- You can experiment with various ways of communication (such as ZOOM)
- You can stay on a call to your loved ones for much longer than you usually have time for
- Each of us can find strength and inspiration in one another more than many of us ever thought could or would be possible; it’s a time, if you can, to thrive! 

There are many positives - try to come up with a list of your own.

Copyright Charley Jai
It is important to maintain hope. If the possibility of being broke is a person’s only worry, then they’re winning. Some are terribly unwell, some have no support, there are homeless people struggling, some people are dying or have sadly lost their battle with the virus (those with and without underlying health issues). The crisis, in a way, is a bittersweet pill to swallow that turns sour the more you chew on it. However, this new reality is what it is, and we have no choice but to come to terms with it. We must focus on survival tactics (for ourselves and those around us) and try to stop fretting about what we cannot control. 

As much as we need to stay informed, we most certainly need to filter what we consume and how often - not all news is helpful or true! Keep your head up and keep it optimistic. If you need to, please reach out. There are so many who will be readily willing to help you stay positive during this unprecedented time.

With love and respect,

All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing.