Sunday 19 April 2020


Dear Beautiful, Fierce, Confident, Inquisitive, Multi-talented, Young Charley,

These are some things you ought to know and understand before you enter adulthood...
Copyright Charley Jai

Fall in love with yourself first.
Health should be your number 1 priority.
Achieving long-term happiness is a goal worth having!
People, everywhere, will treat you how you allow them to.
Racism and discrimination may be an ongoing challenge. Stay dignified.
Many employers/senior staff members will abuse their power simply because they can!!!!
Not every Landlord or council will do right by you even though you are a responsible, reliable tenant.

Have solo adventures.
Not all who tell you they are your friend will be true.
Speak your mind, but, think before you open your mouth!
Apply logic - illogical action is often the taking of risks not worth taking.
You are naturally funny which is a good thing – everybody likes to laugh.
Copyright Charley Jai
You are SO deserving of success.
Your worth and value combined are infinite.
To achieve you must commit and be consistent.
Pay close attention to that speech by President Obama in 2014!
Negative opinions are mostly born from insecurity and ignorance.
If you're seen as a competitor you may be socially excluded and kept out of the 'opportunities' loop.

Family is not limited to those on the bloodline to which you were born.

Live in the present moment for nothing else beyond that is guaranteed!
Being a woman doesn't necessarily mean becoming a mother and catering to a man!!
Try to learn and apply (sooner than later) the lessons gained from every experience you have.
Copyright Charley Jai
Listen to your mum - she really does know best!
You'll always be better off staying true to who you are at your core. 
If you choose to change, make sure you do so for yourself not others.
There is nothing wrong with (secretly) wishing you were an only child.
Look for the positives in every negative - perspective can be everything.
Fight for what you believe in - fight with your heart; instinctively, but also listen to your mind.

Your body, your terms. Always!!
See failure as a redirection; a learning curve and the chance to grow.
Anxiety is going to be something you will battle with but, eventually, you will win.
It's important to be educated, but formal education is not everything you'll be told it is.
Any confusion about who you are, or who you are to become, is natural and normal. Be patient.
Remember: you are loved, you are wanted, you are appreciated and you are gorgeous. Head to toe!

Yours wholeheartedly,
Adult Charley x x

P.s. God truly is love!


  1. Very good younger advice. Good reading keep up the hard work.

    1. Thank you, DJ Fury! Always happy when you stop by my blog. Glad you enjoyed this post x

  2. Very insightful. That wonderful advice applies to so many of us! I think something else I’d say to my younger self is to stop shovelling so much foundation on - I don’t need it and to pull that bloody skirt down! �� Another great blog Charley. Keep them coming! �� Love
