Sunday, 16 July 2017


Here are 8 ways you can maintain an optimistic outlook!

1. If you enjoy it, stick with it. When you feel good more goodness will come your way.

2. Remember, there will always be an individual who has it much worse than you. Life is not all bad... Look for the blessing in every situation and be thankful for what you have. 

3. Say kind words to yourself and those around you. You've great qualities and are uniquely beautiful, which (I imagine) you sometimes overlook, or take for granted.

4. Be encouraged by your desire to achieve certain things. How else will you get them?

5. Have a laugh with your friends every time you're together. Limit the deep conversations!


6. Look for ways to make things fun!! Sing at work, dance around your home, skip along the street, etc. Whilst you're at it, think about how you can give back. This doesn't need to involve spending money. Most people just want to know that they are worth your time, effort and being in your company.

6b. In fact, go out of your way to make someone else feel great about themselves. Pay them a (genuine) compliment, take an interest in how they are, what they're passionate about, or simply strike up a conversation based on a topic you know they can relate to in a positive way and will also make them laugh. Not only will you have them feeling amazing, you'll feel great too. It's so rewarding doing for others (within reason).


7. Push yourself to try something that is completely out of your comfort zone that you can learn from; develop your skills and use them to take yourself further forward (be that professionally, or personally).

8. At the end of each day, think about all you did, why, how, and the results. What did you accomplish, or overcome? Were you thoughtful, helpful and generous? Did you maintain optimism and a happy disposition throughout the day? How and with whom did you spend the day? Was it worth it? It's good to reflect to see clearly any room for change, or improvements, etc.

8b. Be honest because, that's the only way you can begin to work towards becoming a better you. Regardless, show yourself some love. We're all worthy of love!

TIP: One of the best pick-me-up's (I believe) is to go somewhere unfamiliar, or fairly new, without any concrete plans and an open mind. More often than not, giving yourself a break from your surroundings, routines, and the daily grind can be just the positivity boost you need. Don't wait for a friend, partner, family, or colleages to 'have the time' to go with you. Responsibility of/for your peace and happiness is with you.


In the words of Trent Shelton, "it all starts with you". 
To walk positively is a choice that will always be yours.

Written by Charley Jai - @charleyjaiuk
All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing.
Photographs 1 and 2 taken by Rebecca Judd | Woman pictured with me: Charline

1 comment:

  1. Thank you SO much! I really appreciate you taking the time to have a browse and for your lovely comment 😊


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