Wednesday, 19 November 2014


"There are certain artists who belong to all the people, everywhere, all the time"
Maya Angelou

Dearest Joe, 
It is with some sadness that I write this because I often smile as I ponder the memories. Although on a number of occasions I thanked you and told you just how grateful I am to you [for having given me such a mahoosive opportunity in bringing me on board at déjà vu FM with The Real Talk Radio Show UK], I was too busy playing ‘bad gyal’ (ahem) at times to actually tell you in detail just how much your belief and confidence means to me and the impact your support has had.

Dearest brother,
Thanks to you, I have added to my legacy a radio show, live hosting, and that of an on-screen project in the shape of The Real Talk TV Series UK and it looks like there may be other brilliant offers on the horizon! [God willing].


“All great artists draw from the same resource: the human heart, which tells us all that we are more alike than we are unalike” – 
Maya Angelou

Joe, one of my little-big brothers you were (still are) and with you, even though we would disagree on so much, it was all healthy debates not fallout’s. We chose conscious speaking not ill words over things we knew we could not change, plus jokes about 'Dr Phil' [ha-ha] each and every Tuesday live on air albeit with compassion towards those who sought his ‘help’. The laughter we shared was amazing and although at times doing the radio show stressed us both, we always came through on air after you would deliver some motivational talk! Over biscuits and sweets, tea and the odd soft drink, or a chip roll after the show, we had many conversations where we shared details of our aspirations, our journey so far and a desire to bring others on board for the ride. You instilled so much faith in me, gave me so many reasons to smile [and complain, lol], had my back with my endeavours, and always made sure that I was okay irrespective of what you might have been going through yourself - Mr Always Maintain A Positive Outlook! That's you!! That was you... x


Dearest Joe,
The way you have made so many proud of you, given great opportunities, inspired, encouraged and uplifted us all. Your beyond beautiful children and wife have always been such a huge credit to you and you to them! As I've said to you way too many times, ha-ha; “you four are too gorgeous, I love your little family”.

Dearest brother,
I expected nothing less than a grand and special service, a huge turnout, BIG riddims courtesy of your awesome self and feel-good food to praise, celebrate and give thanks for your life! I'll miss you because, I will forever remember you especially should I continue to be blessed within radio broadcasting. I’m so grateful and motivated by what you have left for us all – music, passion to support others, a top up of self-belief, the open doors, great memories and then some! You definitely left your mark and with it touched the hearts of many who, I'm sure, will carry you with them. Always...

The human heart is so delicate and sensitive that it always needs some tangible encouragement to prevent it from faltering in its labour. The human heart is so robust, so tough, that once encouraged it beats its rhythm with a loud unswerving insistency. One thing that encourages the heart is music” – Maya Angelou

My darling Joe, thank you. “It’s all love, man!”
Char xXx


Joe's two favourite Real Talk Radio UK shows!
(1) with special guest, novelist Courttia Newland:
(2) with former Young Mayor of Lewisham, Jacob Sakil:

Joseph Steven Kendrick aka Joe Grime
11th May 1986 - 4th November 2014

Some images taken by myself. Others taken from social media.

Written by Charley - @charleyjaiuk
All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing

Tuesday, 30 September 2014


If there was a drug you could take that would make you eternally happy, would you take it? What if I told you that we were all born with this drug; that it lives in your heart and at any moment you can get a fix? Would you believe me? Let me explain how you can get a dose of this internal high…

ONE – as you are (with or without make-up, clothes, hair done etc., in private of course) stand in front of your most revealing mirror and take in all that you see; all that you are exactly as you see yourself.

TWO – analyse what you see looking back at you; what emotion do your eyes display? Are your lips pursed and intimidating, or are they relaxed and inviting wholesome conversation? What type of vibe do you give off; is your posture warm or ice cold? Are your hands clenched into a tight fist full of tension, or calm and welcoming? 

THREE – as you stand facing your mirror image, break yourself down with questions: if I met someone who looked like this person (clothed, lol) staring back at me in the mirror what would I think of them and how would being around them make me feel?

FOUR – give yourself an honest evaluation of your appearance: what does it say about you, your expression: does it warn people off, or does it encourage a smile? Does the way you hold yourself have you come across as a closed book, or do you seem happy to meet new people?

FIVE – take yourself through a complete psychological makeover by speaking at the mirror (essentially to yourself) the positive outcome of your self assessment starting each sentence with, “I am” as you focus entirely on the positives! E.G. “I am good, I am radiant, I am friendly, I am humble and confident”.

SIX – meditate! Reflect on the positives you have identified about yourself; embrace the greatness that you are and fully release the good energy you possess. As you do this, let happiness wash over you! Happy is the one who has finally realised and accepted that to be happy is a choice and one which we have complete control over for it is a state of mind. It's like a pill that actually does nothing for you but, because you believe it will, once you take it you suddenly feel better. (The placebo effect also known as ‘mind over matter’)

There you have it! It’s that simple to get hold of your unlimited and free supply of Happy Pills!!! Get your Zen on!! Happy 'pill popping', folks! 

P.S. There is nothing you will go through that you cannot overcome unless you choose not to!

Think Good, Live Good!
Don’t mind yourself with what doesn't matter! Place your focus on all that makes your heart glad, your lips smile and will keep you positively high!!


Check out my 
YOUTUBE SHOW - please subscribe too!

Written by Charley - @charleyjaiuk
All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing

Thursday, 22 May 2014


While I completely understand the urgency some feel to get their work out there, I cannot comprehend why certain people do so with such a desperation which often leads to them putting their work out prematurely!

If you must be in competition with someone let that person be whoever you were yesterday; whichever stage you were at with your goals.

In showing your cards too early, as the saying goes, you can often find that those you think you’re in a race with will get ahead of you because, in seeing your game plan; realising that your aim is to simply be the first, you give your so-called competitor the upper hand. They see what you have to offer and can then play a hand they didn’t even know they had; one that you effectively gave to them!

I’m not saying you should wait longer than necessary to get something out to the public. I am simply a great believer in taking your time, feeling rather than thinking you are ready; having no shame in deciding to pull back a little, and to always ensure that what you are presenting is authentic, original and quality!

Don’t rush anything. It’s all about what you do and how you do it not by when! Produce things of substance over time, nothing poor because you rushed and delivered for the wrong reasons.

Images taken from Google.

Written by Charley - @charleyjaiuk
All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing

Wednesday, 14 May 2014


THE REAL TALK TV SERIES is one which aims to positively inspire, encourage, inform and motivate upcoming talent, as well as serve as an opportunity for creative individuals, businesses and the alike to raise their profile. Hopefully a number of ‘big-wigs’ in the entertainment/media field will take an interest in the artists featured and opportunities will flood in for them. How cool would that be?!!?

Where did the idea for the show come from?
For many years I have been doing various work which sees me provide a platform for others – Journalism, Youth Work, Blogging, Radio, Motivational Speaking etc., and after being asked to present for several on-screen projects, of which the aims were to inspire others, I felt that there is a need for that to be a regular thing but one which isn’t filtered; where there is a real and honest look at all aspects of various industries, people, jobs etc., including that of an aspiring TV Presenter who is learning on the job. Me!

Why be the face of The Real Talk TV Series?
I spent just under 2 years auditioning aspiring TV Presenters who would volunteer in the role and although they were each fun and quirky, the second the camera was switched on on they turned into Newsreaders! Although not (yet) an amazing TV Presenter myself, I have a personality, a no-fear approach to such work and am not afraid of looking silly so, as was decided and agreed by the team, it made sense for me to present the show. For now… 

How is the show being funded?
There is no funding as such. We, the team, cover costs such as travel expenses, tapes for filming, refreshments for the screenings etc.

Will each episode focus on something specific?
Yes – this is the aim although we are still working on how best to do this as we know it is important to have the show be entertaining whilst also being informative.

How did you get people to be on the show?
I contacted people I know, with whom I have a friendship or have worked with in the past. Having hosted live events, my own radio show and through journalism etc., I’ve met so many people who are extremely talented!! I reached out to them, pitched the idea of the show and each person agreed to be involved.

What is the length of each episode?
Ideally, I would have liked each to be no longer than 4 minutes however; that is so unrealistic based on what we are trying to achieve so, 10 minutes is the aim.

When will the show launch and how often will there be a new episode?
The aim is to have the first episode up on Youtube the 24th of May 2014 and weekly thereafter.

Why YouTube?
Why not? Currently it is the biggest platform on which to launch anything and everything!! Also, despite the many connections I have in the arts industry, I am without the power to simply have my work debuted on TV.

How did you get sponsorship from Happy Chap Clothing?
I met the founder (Raymond Mfon) a couple of years ago after coming across ‘Happy Chap Clothing’ on Facebook. I contacted him and asked if he would like his label to take part in a fashion show for a Listening Party showcase event by NLPR Ltd. He agreed, we remained in contact, and I later approached him about The Real Talk TV Series. He really liked the concept and so decided he’d love to be on board.

Where did the idea for the animation come from?
I’ve always wanted an animated version of myself. Something pixilated; quite 80s or 90s looking. I had the exact idea of its look and of the opening sequence to the show in my head but, I didn't know how to articulate that using the correct jargon or who to approach. In my frustration I shared my thoughts with Natalie (Production Assistant) and Emma (Videographer/Photographer/Editor) and they mentioned Chieze from Shining Concept whom they later introduced me to. I spoke with him and, like Raymond; Chieze was super excited by the idea of the show and agreed to come on board. 

What is hoped for The Real Talk TV Series long term?
That it is recognised and supported by a TV Network with an interest in showing it on their channel. Evidently the first series is very rough around the edges! With series 2 we are implementing all that we learned from filming the first. We hope to build a committed and supportive audience/community. Obviously the views and likes (comments too) will be the deciding factor as to its future. That said I’ll always be happy that I chose to launch the project and will remain proud of myself and the team for our incredibly hard work!! 

2 screenings will be held prior to its launch. Since when do people hold a pre-launch screening for a YouTube show?
We may indeed be the first (ha-ha) however, it was of huge importance to me to have constructive feedback from professional industry persons, as well as those I trust, to be completely honest about how we can better the project. I don’t believe we will get such criticism from the general public. 

Sadly, these days it seems more and more people are all about slating just for the sake of it rather than supporting genuine movements.

How are people able to put themselves forward to be involved?
Whether their interest is to feature or to join the team, they need only send their full name, BIO (or details of their past and current work) with reasons as to why they want to be a part of the show, together with a clear photo, to me via my Instagram!

The Real Talk TV Series does not aim to be a carbon copy of anything already out there or something polished. Its purpose is to be an online hub of all things positive, productive and beneficial in the hope that it will somehow be a source of inspiration, help and encouragement! 

There will never be a goal too big to reach. Let your self belief be your motivation!! x

Charley Jai - @charleyjaiuk / INSTA: charleyjaiuk
Chieze Ihecherenoma – INSTA: shiningconcept /
Natalie L Royer - @natalieleonna /
Emma Obichukwu - @emzy_noma
Raymond Mfon - @HappyChapClo


Pictures taken by Emma Obichukwu and Edited by Charley Jai.
Logo's supplied by each company, Edited by Charley Jai.

Written by Charley - @charleyjaiuk
All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing

Wednesday, 26 March 2014


As your face is the part of your body exposed more than any other, it is imperative that you give it just that little bit of extra care! Now, I’m no expert however, despite my years, I am often mistaken for being in my twenties and folks mostly refer to my face as looking "youthful", "fresh" and "clear". Bar the circles underneath my eyes, that is. Ha-ha...

I'm on the right (with Rita Balogun after interviewing her on radio)
So, as many people have asked me what I use on my face and how frequently, I have decided to share my daily (face) cleansing routine with you. If you want to start using the products mentioned, make sure you first do a skin/allergy test. What works for one may badly affect someone else.

Alongside this daily routine, I steam my face whenever it feels a little clogged; as though it is struggling to breathe, and that can be anything from once a fortnight to once every 2-3 days and I also drink plenty of water!

Following the use of face wash, with a clean flannel (face cloth) soaked in hot water only, I wipe my entire face, neck and ears.

Using the cucumber facial toner from Boots ‘essential’ range and some cotton wool, I then cleanse my face, neck and ears until the cotton wool has no residue on it (so, maybe 3 pieces of cotton wool are used on average).

Using Savlon (yes, the antiseptic cream which is great for spots, blemishes and other marks), I then moisturize my face, neck and ears, taking care to avoid my eyes. I then add an extra layer of moisture with aqueous cream (I follow with SPF 30 or 50 throughout the summer).

Using the cucumber eye gel from Boots ‘essential’ range, I squeeze a tiny amount onto the tip of my little finger and apply it just underneath (the horrid bag area) and over the eyelids. Non-sticky, it has a cooling effect.

I use Maybelline baby lips on my pout! Ha-ha…

TIP: You may already know this but, toothpaste is a great spot removal treatment!! Thankfully, I don’t get many of those pesky pizza toppings on my face..... If you do, and have tried other remedies that haven't worked for you, give toothpaste a try.

If I do get spots, they tend to appear on my nose or at the top of my cheeks. Although they’re always tiny, I follow the cleansing regime above and then (without applying any cream to my face) I apply a small bit of toothpaste to each spot and leave it to work its 'magic' overnight. The spots are visibly reduced by the morning and completely gone by the morning after!!

There you have it, that’s all I do! I have been following this regime/routine since my late teens! It probably also helps my face that I do not wear makeup every day and when I do, I keep it natural; wearing very little and always ensuring I take it off before going to bed. I don't drink alcohol either, or consume copious amounts of processed foods, I try to refrain from touching my face during the day and I occasionally use a cooling spray when I'm hot.

SAVLON antiseptic cream: 99p - £3.75 from various stores
BOOTS cucumber facial toner: £1.50 for 150ml
BOOTS cucumber eye gel: £1.50 for 15ml
MAYBELLINE baby lips: £2.99

In addition to the above, I have a fairly healthy diet and exercise regularly!

Images taken from Google.

Written by Charley - @charleyjaiuk
All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing