I was sent the challenge to create a one minute sample of a factual radio documentary of my choice. It was key that I injected my personality in addition to demonstrating my creative abilities, editing, production talents and on-air skills! I was immediately chuffed, because I love documentaries, but then panic set in when it suddenly dawned on me just how difficult it might be to create within one minute, just one! Eek!
I asked myself "how would I describe a radio documentary to someone?".... That gave me my idea and also the title of what I would create - a one minute radio documentary on the very subject! I, myself, wasn't aware of how radio documentaries began, but I knew they paved the way for podcasts.
Following a week of research and taking notes, I wrote a script and practiced articulation, energy in my voice, a natural and fun, albeit authentic, delivery with a suitable pace that fell within the time frame. Once achieved, I took a break from the script and started on the visual.
Again, I delved into some research and learning which took a few days or so. Putting my notes to one side, I recorded the voice over [several times, the first one was good I thought but you could hear my nerves] and then began the video structure and editing. Over the coming days I would be deep in the visuals which gave my ears a break from hearing the voice over. When it came to adding the audio, it felt like I was hearing it for the first time, which was good, as well as listening to it flow over the video sequence. I made a few tweaks and, with days until the deadline for submission, I sent my completed challenge.
September 8th, via a LIVE YouTube reveal, I learned that I did not score high enough for a place in the top 10. As the scoring, which, in all honesty, I didn't entirely understand, rolled out before our eyes, I went from 16th place, to 10th place and then 15th before being knocked out of the contest completely. WILD! LOL!
I'm happy I entered Radio Star 2024, zero regrets. I remain proud of putting myself forward, of the effort put in my entry for challenge 1 and I know that if [radio and TV] presenting is for me, a great opportunity will come my way when the time is right that will give me that all important break!
Thank you to everyone who supported me and sent messages of praise and encouragement, especially my girl Eve-Yasmine and my friend Laiba.
Once again, I take this recognition as a nod to my talents and creative skills. I'm so thankful for the opportunity to be seen by leading professionals in the broadcasting industry worldwide. Thank you to Nails and Tracey for their guidance.
Once again, I take this recognition as a nod to my talents and creative skills. I'm so thankful for the opportunity to be seen by leading professionals in the broadcasting industry worldwide. Thank you to Nails and Tracey for their guidance.
Written by Charley - @charleyjaiuk
All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing