Sunday, 25 November 2018


I am so ready for Christmas, my excitement is on another level! Let's get into it!

I love buying for others, however, this year, my budget was very small, so, I bought each loved one just one present [I often like to give two per person] and stuck with boutique stores on the high street which are purse friendly! I'm also terrible at wrapping so, I tried to be a tad more creative with it. I purchased affordable brown wrapping paper, recycled some rose gold ribbon and bought discounted present decorations. Albeit nothing remotely special, or unique, I feel proud of my extra effort and know that the recipients will be extra grateful.


Altogether the wrapping items cost £3.99!! There are many places you can find some gems without having to leave yourself completely broke! Try Amazon, Lidl, Flying Tiger [formerly known as Tiger and Tiger Tiger], Poundland, Savers and small independent shops. Cheap doesn't always equal tat!! Shop wisely.

TIP: You can save your November and December income for January if you buy your Christmas gifts between August and October! Nobody wants to start a new year broke!

I'm not always one for decorations, however, sometimes, I do like to have a few basic mini Christmas ornaments around my home. I opted for a handful of items from Poundland and B&M Stores which work a treat. I had a look in Primark too, but, their products didn't really do much for me and I found them to be a bit pricey for what they were. I don't always have a Christmas trees, but, when I do, I opt for simple and/or unusual - think of a black, or white sparkly one with minimal decor added. 

B&M Stores
B&M Stores

November 2017, the family and I went to Kew Gardens which was so amazing! The views were stunning; beautiful, and it was quite peaceful too despite it being fairly busy. 


I also had a lovely time at Winter Wonderland. There was a lot to see and take part in. I'd suggest getting there at the opening time to fully immerse yourself in all that it has to offer for the day with less people around. It's a really fun experience, in my opinion, and I hope to visit again!

Anything fun, interactive, and that the whole family, or your group of friends, can join in with, is a great way to get into the festive spirit. From ice-skating, to a weekend ski trip, a themed outing, etc., make the most of the days leading up to Christmas if you can.

When it comes to parties - from a gingerbread person, Mr or Mrs Claus, an elf, or a turkey - there are too many costumes I could suggest so, I'll leave you to research those for yourselves, ha-ha...

Whether you choose pyjamas or Christmas attire, make it quirky and fun for you and those you'll be celebrating with. If you don't celebrate, still get up and show up for yourself :)


You can coordinate with the seasonal colours, or the decor of your home. You could opt for a Christmas jumper, or a two piece and add a few classic jewellery items [keep them minimal though. You don't want to look like you've decided to rival the tree!]. Or, you can dress in a classic, simple yet stylish outfit that is both for the season and on trend. Maybe an old festive top will go well with your fave skirt, trousers, pinafore, or leggings. You don't need to buy something new and extravagant. W
hatever you go for, it's all about having a good time!


I think, for me, the most important thing is that I don't overspend. Christmas is about quality time and laughter with loved ones not the exchange of material possessions and leaving myself with empty pockets... 

Happy festive planning! 

Written by Charley Jai - @charleyjaiuk
All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing.

Sunday, 18 November 2018


There are a number of untold situations that can have us feel utterly devastated. From break-up's to job loss, financial woes, or a life changing illness; it is never easy to navigate ourselves through testing times and find the light at the end of such a gloomy tunnel.

Many moons ago I was terrible at dealing with any intense sudden changes in my life. I'd react badly and my behaviour would often hurt those around me. Nowadays, not only am I much stronger and far more capable [emotionally and mentally, despite my struggle with anxiety], I do very well, if I do say so myself, at getting back on track after something awful happens. I am so much better at dealing with life's challenges quickly and effectively.

The following may not work for everyone, however, you've nothing to lose and potentially everything to gain by trying these steps whenever you're faced with a serious turn of events...

Take a step back from the situation
Give yourself the time and space to calm your thoughts [over thinking is never helpful] and to understand your emotional connection to the matter.

Assess things as though you are an outsider 

Being caught up in the 'drama' of it all can have us respond irrationally which is likely to make things worse. What, exactly, is the real issue and how, realistically, can it be solved?

Reflect on your most recent positive memory
We automatically smile and feel relaxed at the thought of an experience that we enjoyed - this energy is always best when tackling difficulties.

Approach the issue with brutal honesty
Analyse your feelings and be real about why you're allowing them to stay with you... It may be an incredibly rough chapter but, you're alive and should continue to write the many pages left of your story in a way that contirbutes towards a beautiful ending.

Get another perspective
Speak with somebody you trust - explain things with transparency. Perhaps this trusted individual will open up your mind on the matter, or they may simply give you another view on how to deal with everything. Either way, you'll feel great once you've got it off of your chest.


Be humble
You don't know everything, you never will and you're not right all of the time which is okay. Embrace the blessings of being a student for life and the numerous people in this world who [at times] will have the answers you cannot find on your own!

Try to learn and apply the lessons immediately
An 'L' is not a loss. It is an opportunity to LEARN. It's a well known fact that until we actively implement certain lessons we will continue to battle the same problems.

New strategies
Put coping methods in place from the lessons learned so that you're less likely to feel/stay down when you arrive at the next stumbling block.

Life is way too short to spend precious time on anything, or anyone, that doesn't encourage positive growth.

Written by Charley Jai - @charleyjaiuk
All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing.