I often remind myself of the many reasons I have to be thankful. I then say aloud at least 2 of those things and keep them at the front of my mind. In addition to that I give myself a reality check. E.G. - "I am happy and grateful to be alive and have a really cool job. But, nothing lasts forever, so, I need to positively embrace all that I've been blessed with while I still can". When you think good, you really do live good. I also ensure I am clear with myself about why I am doing whatever it is I have chosen to do. Moving with intent is a game changer!
Without committing to change it won't happen so, I make a note of the benefits I feel and see from walking with a positive mindset [especially where my anxiety is concerned] and I also tell myself, "if the effort isn't consistent the results will be non existent". Change is inevitable. If we fight it, we may hurt ourselves, or those around us, far worse than if we just accepted every turning point with grace and commitment.
I think almost everything is about reaction. I know only too well, from experience, that it will always serve me better to look for the good in any bad situation I may face. I do incredibly well, if I do say so myself, at finding a positive in any negative situation! Sitting with misery makes you more miserable which is defeatist.
To make somebody smile/laugh is a big deal for me! It makes me so chuffed to know I've added joy to another person's day and in doing so, I add to my own happiness.
We all know that the people we keep around us will automatically have an effect on our vibe. Their attitude/energy will pour into us whether we like it or not. The vibes are contagious, so, I only allow myself to be around those with the same, or a similar, frame of mind; people who make a choice to be good, kind, caring, etc.
Far from being arrogant, I am so comfortable in my skin and confident with who I am, where I've been, all that I have overcome and everything in between. I know my value and I know that it deserves to be matched!! In all areas of my life, not allowing myself to settle for anything less that I believe I am worthy of helps to sustain my positive approach to life. It's ridiculously important that one learns to maintain a healthy, respectable, honest relationship with themselves.
It's definitely a priority for me to have things to look forward to on a weekly, if not daily, basis - that could be a dinner date with friends, time spent in nature [on a walk], a blog shoot, spa day, exercise... Anything that will bring me joy!
Written by Charley Jai - @charleyjaiuk
All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing.