Sunday, 24 June 2018


I know it can be incredibly difficult to lead with your heart, especially if you've been hurt quite badly, but, I also know that it can be very taxing on your soul when you deliberately ignore your true feelings.

Many of us have a fear of, or worry about, being let down [usually based on a past experience] and that fear/worry is likely to build a barrier between where we are and where we could be if we would just let ourselves trust again. If you allow your past to dictate your future, you will most certainly miss out on a lot of greatness which could actually last forever!

How about you take the lessons and just look ahead. Not everyone you meet will have an ill agenda towards you and, having learned from previous relationships, I'm sure you'll be able to spot any red flags and will then do a speedy U-turn, right?!? Make space for your heart to reap the joy that it deserves...

None of us are perfect and no two people are the same, so, we shouldn't judge the next by the previous. At the end of the day, when it comes to matters of the heart, you know by the way it feels so, make sure your pride, ego, stubbornness and outside influences are not standing in the way of you being with someone who could actually be The One if you'd only give them a real chance.

If holding on to pain from a toxic/painful experience has seen you block a potential new chapter with somebody and you're now ready to let go of that feeling, reach out to them and explain in as much detail as you can so you are understood and they're given the opportunity to realise why you may have been acting in a way that has left them confused about where they stand with you. Ask that they be patient whilst you recover instead of pushing them away completely. It's never easy to put yourself out there and trust again after being hurt, but, it's hugely important that you get yourself together and move past it. There's everything to gain from letting go. Leave the past alone! It can have no negative impact on where you are now, or where you plan to be, without an invitation.

There are too many wonderful people in the world for you not to find a few that match your personality, interests, standards, etc. Plus, the years continue to roll by ridiculously fast, so, literally, the time for embracing change, stepping outside of your comfort zone, taking a realistic and well considered risk on matters of the heart, is NOW!

Again, don't allow yourself to miss out on the possibility of something super awesome with someone [romantic, or otherwise] based entirely on a negative experience with anyone else. You are 1000% deserving of greatness!!

Written by Charley Jai - @charleyjaiuk
All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing.

Sunday, 10 June 2018


Personally, I take great pride in making sure my home is inviting, especially during the hotter months. Not that I host much, partly due to my anxiety and, also, because, I'm really precious about who I allow into my personal space, however, I do like to keep my home in order. So, although there's no 'one size fits all', here are a few tips to help you maintain a presentable home that you will always feel proud to open the door to [you may already do these things which is great]!

Buying in bulk means I buy less often and I save a lot of money too! It's a good idea to ensure you always have the essentials. You don't ever want to be caught out, more so if you're having guests over. I tend to purchase a few of each items [toiletries, cleaning materials, etc.] every 2 - 3/4 months and I use them sparingly [we don't need as much as we think]. 

Your own cleanliness and hygiene will have an impact on how you feel about yourself and how you socialise. Feeling fresh and smelling good, as well as looking presentable, will naturally uplift your mood, boost your confidence and put a spring in your step. Also, when you feel good within yourself, you'll want to ensure that same vibe is felt throughout your home, which will encourage you to maintain a clean and tidy household.

CopyrightCharleyJaiClear up after yourself as you go and put things back in their designated place [not just anywhere that's out of the way] straight after you're done with them. Leaving dishes to pile up, a mix of clean and dirty clothes to sort through with the time you likely do not have, a messy lounge to be tidied 'some other time', etc., could be left pending for too long, which just creates more mess and chaos! Your home is your sanctuary and so returning every day, primarily if you've had a bit of a challenging day or a full-on time at work, to a clutter free, clean space will do wonders for your overall health!

Get ready for tomorrow before you go to bed! Choose your outfit, decide what you'll need with you for the day and prepare; get everything ready! This will give you peace of mind and support a good night's sleep and, the following day, you're less likely to leave your home looking like a number of bombs have gone off after a frantic rush to get ready. 

Do a little every day so there is less to do at the end of the week/month. Make a conscious, daily effort and you will see positive, long term results. Plus, you'll definitely feel a thousand times better within yourself and about your home. Visitors will probably compliment how zen your home is too!

Written by Charley Jai - @charleyjaiuk
All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing.

Sunday, 3 June 2018


Although the actual list is far more extensive, here are a few things I think we should all implement, long-term...

The more you allow yourself to get worked up about the time you do, or don't have, the quicker you lose it. Better to spend every second doing whatever it is you need, or want to do that contributes towards good health and a good life. Let me not remind you how short life is!!

There's everything right with choosing to not settle for anyone [or anything] you do not feel, in your heart, is right for you. To settle is like telling the world, "I don't believe I am worthy of receiving the things I truly want/need". Erm, hello? You are more than worthy!

I understand wanting to stay on top of the latest trends, news, events, etc., however, allowing yourself to be consumed by things [and people] can be a distraction which isn't likely to serve you well. 

There is no such thing as Superhuman, sorry to disappoint you. When you know you could do with a helping hand, a shoulder, some advice, etc., request it. There is nothing wrong with having help to succeed. It would be worse to [potentially] not achieve success because you wouldn't ask for support.

Unless you genuinely have other commitments, whether things are good with you, or not, I believe it's a great idea to take advantage of every opportunity to spend time in good company. Sometimes the very thing we feel we don't want is exactly what we need to give us the motivating, or positive and encouraging, vibe we're missing. 

This is one of the worst things you can do to yourself and others. I, myself, have done this [gone for something I knew I could do with my eyes closed, even though I didn't want it] and, although I do not regret my choice [it was a tremendous learning curve]. Never will I do that again because, I ended up making myself unwell and I under performed because, I couldn't stand it - the building, the people, the structure, the way the business was run, etc. It was not for me!! I believe it will always be much more rewarding to hold out for something that's in line with your morals and professional goals; a role which allows your personality to shine!

Think about what it is you're doing; the things you do, how you interact with others, what and whom you give your time, energy and efforts to and how those actions contribute towards your goals. The aim of that thought process should be to reach a logical conclusion about the choices you're making so you can make better ones where necessary and possibly but, don't over think. You've got this!

Written by Charley Jai - @charleyjaiuk
All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing.