Thursday, 4 June 2015


So, here's the thing: Companies who make adult clothing in kids sizes are wrong. Plain and simple but, there is nothing any of us can do about that.

Here's the second thing: parents who dress their CHILDREN in grown up attire, to include make-up and mature footwear, figure hugging clothes and eccentric hairstyles, are simply encouraging the grotesque and unnatural desires of those who identify as pedophiles. Hard to read, no doubt but, facts usually are. However, there is something we can do about this!

While freedom of choice should be applicable to all, sadly it is not {in every situation} and, more time, it's about applying COMMON SENSE and SENSIBILITY before doing whatever you feel like doing where you believe such should be your right in its entirety.

Let babies be babies, a child be a child; youth remain youthful. I have no idea why any parent would, in this day and age, dress their child/children in grown-up clothing. The amount of times I have witnessed a variety of looks little kids {girls in particular} have received from strangers who have stared at them in their short body-con dress, mini heels, make-up, nail varnish, jewellery and clutch is countless! While some eyes have appeared to be shocked and disgusted, others have given a more welcoming impression by the way they were looking.

Am I a parent? No, by choice. Do I need to be a parent in order to understand that sexualising children in any way, shape or form is beyond dangerous and should NOT be happening at all? Hell no!!!! As adults, is it our duty to keep children from harm not put them in harms way! Nowadays, we need be extra cautious with our young people in terms of how we present them in public and how they are safeguarded online!!!

When young girls become loose, wayward teenagers having been raised on wearing explicit garments, carrying themselves as women way before their time and boys become wreck-less, young men following a youth where they were exposed to adult themes, why does anyone react with shock and condemn them? ALL behaviour is learned yet, if vigilant, a parent can intervene early enough to have a child unlearn certain behaviours. We know this is a fact. There are many health, social, mental and other such problems that can be born out of raising a child as an adult. It is not just about them potentially being sought after by pedophiles!

Once stuck in our ways as a child and left to continue with such ways into early adulthood, as a fully fledged adult, it is usually a wrap!!! It is incredibly hard to change after years of being a particular way. THINK about what you are teaching your child/children by the way you dress them, or encourage/allow them to carry themselves, especially with regards to intimacy and sex!!!!

I am also talking about children who model. If I were the parent of a child model I'd make sure the jobs they booked would not make them vulnerable {by the nature of the shoot}!!

This is something which has always been way too much for my life. I just cannot comprehend why some have certain feelings towards children and I also struggle to understand why, knowing that certain people are this way inclined, any parent/guardian/carer would still have their child, or children, out in public dressed a particular way... I cannot deal, I really can't!

In no way do I condone any type of wrongdoing {be that against a person, or company, irrespective of age, race, type of business etc.,} however, this situation has long been a MAJOR problem and is partly with those who CHOOSE to ignore the danger of dressing our little people in big people's clothes.

I am not suggesting children be wrapped up from head to toe, all year round, in outfits that barely allow them to breathe! I'm saying, in my opinion, it will never be cute to dress any child in clothing that is more fitting for an adult, even more so where accessories and make-up etc., have been added to further give a more mature, 'sexy' look...


Written by Charley - @charleyjaiuk
All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing

Thursday, 5 March 2015


It has become so difficult for many of us to find and/or secure work owing to economic change which has an impact on businesses however, it is still possible to get work and there are a number of things we can do/try to make that happen for ourselves! I you will find the information below hugely beneficial....

There are those who will ask you to go in and register; to complete and sign the world of forms, only to never contact you with potential opportunities and, in most cases, it is hard to weed out such agencies. However, some actually fulfill their commitment and will call or email frequently with offers. It is important that you also maintain regular contact with them so they know of your availability as and when it may change. I suggest you look into their success rate and see if your friends or family have had any experience with an agency you're thinking of registering with. Here are 3 that I can recommend:

Huntress Group - Office Support
The Red Agency Ltd - Temp contracts
Career Moves Group - PR, Media, HR

As well as registering with agencies you can also write to employers!

SPECULATIVE APPLICATIONS consist of a covering letter and CV being sent to a prospective employer regarding a role you consider yourself to be suitable for which is not necessarily being advertised by that particular employer. Prior to sending such an application you will want to ensure you do the following:
  • Research the company/organisation thoroughly
  • Establish the name of the Manager, HR Manager or Recruiter
  • Tailor your CV according to the speculative role you are applying for but, do not fabricate
  • Draft a covering letter that is clear, to the point, including your reason for targeting that company
Your covering letter should outline exactly what it is you have to offer, demonstrating your relevant skills and achievements, showing that you have knowledge of the company and what it is they do. Essentially you are creating/sending a product proposal and you are the product!

TARGETING POTENTIAL EMPLOYERS should be based on both your skills and interests. It makes no sense to send a spec application to Universal Music Group, for example, if your interest and skills in music is nil! Are you a confident and articulate speaker, a people's person who is well-presented and passionate about sales? If so, you might want to consider targeting retail companies. Make a list of what you are most interested in and your best skills then write down which type of jobs you feel they make you suitable for.

While it requires a huge amount of effort and time, it is worthwhile investing such into what could potentially be the right job (or stepping stone) for you with the possibility of both personal and professional growth long-term. Do not cut corners! Make sure you know and understand the ethos is of each company and make sure your beliefs align!!

You may feel you've got your game "on lock" in this area but, you'll be surprised by how much you forget or simply don't do:
  • Prepare your attire the day before - smart, comfortable, presentable, respectable.  
  • Plan for the inevitable - to give detailed yet concise and honest answers to questions. Also have 2-3 questions of your own.
  • Prioritise the actual day - the interview should be the most important and you may be required for longer than you anticipate.
  • Eat something light so that your tummy is lined and your energy is up!
  • Exact location - it's always good to find the venue a day before and, if not, to allow more time than you think you'll need on the day itself
  • Expectations - walk in with an open mind; be ready to learn more about the company and the role as oppose to expecting that having got yourself to the interview stage you'll get the job! No expectations, no disappointment. If not the job, you will leave with having learned something new that you can apply going forward.
It's never the situation but rather how you choose to deal with it that will usually determine the outcome.

In my experience, I have learned that there is more benefit from having a chat with specific individuals and far less value in rocking up to every 'networking' event in and around your hometown with the aim or idea that you will get a gig!

With Simone Powderly (on the right)
Many people (who work within your chosen field) will be happier than you think to have a one-to-one conversation with you to provide you with useful information that will further support your job or career goals. Research people, reach out to them and ask if you can take them for a coffee/tea to pick their brain about a few work/business/career related things. Simone Powderly reached out to me some years ago online and it worked! She has since carved out a very promising career-start for herself as a Youth Ambassador, Youth Worker and Hair Model with bigger plans on the horizon!! 

I'm no expert folks. The tips shared in this post are those that I know work (from experience) and with so many talking about lack of opportunities, what to do and/or how to find work since the recession etc., I thought I'd share what has worked for me. I honestly hope this helps at least one person!!


The above tips etc., are things I have tried myself and will use over and over again if and when I have to. There should be no shame in your 'rise to success' game!! Wishing each of you the absolute best in all that you strive to achieve. xXx

Written by Charley - @charleyjaiuk
All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing

Thursday, 12 February 2015


This beautiful songstress has established herself as a credible up and coming soul singer and presenter. 

Like most, Eve-Yasmine Saoud-Easton discovered her passion for arts and entertainment as a child and she has remained steadfast in pursuit of success within her field and, folks, the girl is quite literally everywhere! 

Professionally, her career began at the age of 16 and she has since gone on to work in journalism, as a presenter (interviewing high profile personalities such as Alicia Keys and Quincy Jones), and is a highly sort after artist and talent, being that she is a strong vocalist who also pens her own music! She has also covered many well known songs.

CHECK OUT her cover of Crazy in Love by Beyoncé from the 
Fifty Shades of Grey soundtrack: 

Fifty Shades of Grey movie trailer:

Twitter: @EveYasmine

Written by Charley - @charleyjaiuk
All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing