Sunday, 16 August 2020


Hello, you might need to enlarge the photo to read my message to you! x

Thank you so, SO much for your support. It will always mean the world! 


Charley - @charleyjaiuk x

All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing.

Sunday, 9 August 2020


Like many, I am very creative... I love black and white art (the main reason I took an interest in photography from a young age) and can spend hours inside a gallery. As a child, and well into my late 20’s, acting, dancing and singing was everything. Literally. Performing was all I spoke about, dreamt of, and worked hard to become great at. Writing began in the form of poetry, randomly, I never expected to enjoy it – essay writing, storyboard writing, scriptwriting, narration, cue cards, blogging… Any form of writing and also reading. At one point, I was going to write a book! Maybe I will one day.
copyright charley jai

The list of creative endeavours is lengthy… But, having taken the time to reflect on a WhatsApp voice note conversation (does anyone speak to each other on the phone anymore?), I decided that enough is enough. I don’t feel as inspired lately to create for the Blog in the way that I use to. Especially since Rona decided to rock up with its destructive clart!! I also know that the fulfilment of my purpose is not wrapped up in wordy blog posts and in thinking about this I was inspired to launch my IGTV show named AMPLIFIED TV (formerly Surviving Lockdown)!

My voice is one that definitely has a place in this upside-down world. I think it’s time I used it more whenever I feel to, in support of positive causes that are aligned with my purpose, where appropriate. This is not the end of my Blog necessarily. As I’ve said, I love to write and will probably continue. Make sure you subscribe to the Blog to receive updates of any articles I publish and/or follow me on Instagram.
copyright charley jai

Grateful to the loyal ones who read every post I publish and whose support is consistent. 

I hope this post makes sense.

Big love,

All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing.

Sunday, 2 August 2020


What does an Influencer, influence? And by 'Influencer' I'm referring to those typically found on Instagram who are usually made famous by sharing everything relating to fashion, beauty, hair, makeup, fitness, etc., often in the most superficial way. The ones who use the hashtags #influencer, #ad, #spon and the rest, with most of their posts containing products they have been paid or gifted to advertise! What does it mean? Who or what do they influence and in what way exactly?

Now, don't get it twisted, there is no jealously here nor envy. I don't do those vibes at all. I just do not understand the whole 'influencer' thing. Genuinely. But, what I do understand is that there are many who are very easily mislead.

How often have you seen one of these 'influencers' promote something and have then bought it? And how many times were those products beneficial to you? You parted with your money to purchase something the 'influencer' was gifted or paid to sell to you, essentially. A win-win for them, but, most likely a lose-lose for you because you're now quids down and I doubt you needed said products.

See, when I was growing up, an influencer, although not necessarily referred to as such, was somebody who through their positively focused, selfless acts, inspired and encouraged so many to do and be great. No money involved, no ad's, no promo, nothing gifted. Just good old fashioned, authentic, honest living that inspired others.

To be that sort of influencer, in my opinion, is to be proud of.

I know we all need to earn to live and I get that a lot of these social media influencers feel as though they cannot turn down opportunities to earn big bucks, but if they are truly testing these products and have genuinely found that they're good then, cool. However, I suspect that with most that's not the case.

What a funny world we now live in where somebody who is paid to advertise products to their social media following can call that "a job" and that job title is Influencer. Wow! Isn't a bad thing, just a strange one...

Charley x

An audio version of this post is available via - SPOTIFY and PODBEAN

All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing.