Sunday, 17 May 2020


Copyright Charley JaiWhen lockdown began I felt a little concerned about the restrictions because they were not entirely clear and there seemed to be (and still does seem to be, at the time of publishing this post) no end in sight. I wasn’t worried about anything as such, in terms of having to stay at home (despite having a neighbour who deliberately disturbs the peace every night and into the early hours of each morning), albeit I'm now at the point where I'm itching to get out and about without the need for social distancing and masks. But, I have had moments of wondering if I'd be able to carry on being productive and assertive. I also thought about how unruly my hair, eyebrows and general self-care would be by the end of it, lol! Have you felt like this? I mean, I'm laughing as I type, but, it's a serious matter. Real talk!

If you know me personally you’ll know that cleanliness, smelling and looking good, being healthy, having clear skin, good eyebrows, my hair on point; decent overall hygiene, are things that I pride myself on. I have been determined to not allow anything to slip and fortunately, I'm managing everything quite well. I did a Beauty and Nails course moons ago (thanks to The Prince’s Trust) which has been very useful during my quarantine and I do find it fairly easy to commit to certain healthy choices so, that department hasn't been much of an issue either…

Copyright Charley Jai
However, I'm not sure if I will continue to pay to have certain 'beauty' treatments done once the lockdown is over. At the time of writing this post, I haven't made any decisions regarding my eyebrows (ha-ha! I'm not that good with them so, I think they will always require professional taming) but, I intend to look after my hair myself until I am ready to chop it all off. No more paying to have somebody do for me what I can now do for myself and do well enough! This is such a strange time... As the saying goes, I’ll just have to wait and see. Life after lockdown/the apocalypse will certainly be interesting!

Copyright Charley JaiOne thing that being in quarantine has done for me (and maybe for you too) is it has made me realise that I am capable of so much more than I think and give myself credit for. There's plenty I can do for myself. In fact, I’ve realised there’s quite a bit I’d like to learn, get better with, or start practising much more. I think my post quarantine life will look quite different from the life I lived before.

What about you? Is there anything you have decided you’ll change or implement once this horrid season ends?

Written by Charley Jai - @charleyjaiuk
All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing.


  1. I hear you girl and good for you with all the things you'll now be handling yourelf. Like everybody else, I was a little freaked out by the prospect of lockdown, but that quickly turned into an opportunity to incorporate some (good!) new habits into my daily life. These have now become routine, feel like I've been doing for much longer than I have and have made me think, "Why didn't I start this sooner?!". These new habits include taking cod liver oil and multivitamins everyday, I'm loving doing circuit training every day (which I just do in the garden - no gym membership/personal trainer fees!) and have even stopped smoking! I definitely intend to start as I mean to go on. I didn't make these plans - they just developed organically and I'm not 100% sure they would've had this situation not occured, so for that, I'm grateful. "Every cloud has a silver lining", as they say! Well done on another great blog Char!xxx

    1. Wow! SO amazing, Vel. CONGRATULATIONS on all your lockdown achievements! Very inspiring! x

  2. Yep
    Lots of people are developing new habits and doing so much more for themselves. I didn't have much of a lock down, as work continued as normal, with me delivering the same outputs.
    Congrats and your accomplishments. Continue to strife to be the best you. Blessings


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