Sunday, 5 April 2020


Get your place in order! 
When was the last time you cleared out your cupboards, especially your kitchen drawers? I did mine and it felt SO good to have thrown out the mess I didn't even realise I had. It's always a good idea to do a spring clean and now, unless you're working from home and are swamped with work (although you can still factor in some time for housework), is as good a time as any.

What's happening with that DIY project?
I had some framed quotes to put up on the walls and a build-up of mould in a pocket area of my home which I knew I'd be able to tackle myself, but, I kept putting it off with the excuse being that I was tired after long days at work or too busy doing other things. Not anymore! Quarantine got me indoors with nothing BUT time, so, I dealt with the frames and the mould like a specialist and am very happy with the results! Get your DIY project (s) done too, and share your achievements to inspire others.

Copyright Charley Jai

That New Gig
What have you wanted to do or start for the longest time, which, with the world of excuses, you continue to put off? A podcast? An online business? A support group? A community endeavour? Learn a new language? Teach yourself how to Tye-dye? Whatever it may be, it makes sense to invest in yourself today, right now. Plan, research and draft a clear outline of the steps then, if possible (subject to self-isolation protocol), get started. It's always worth having a try than wondering if you would have ever succeeded. Go on, you've got this!

Pause, Reflect and Write
I've kept a gratitude jar for years, as you will already know if you've followed my blog or social media accounts for a while and recently I decided to keep a Positive Notes Journal which I update every evening before bed. I use it to note all the good that has happened during the day, to write a prayer for the week and to set myself a minimum of one goal to be completed between Monday and Friday. So far, I'm doing well and whenever I experience a challenging day, it's my journal that helps me to focus only on the positives (even if they are the same each day) and that sets my vibe quite nicely for the following morning.

Copyright Charley Jai

There is SO much to gain from reading
You should know by now how much I love a good book. I have read tons and will only read those that are funny, inspiring, educational, positively encouraging or will have me learn something about myself. At the time of publishing this blog post, I am currently reading Unfiltered by the actress Lily Collins and it's such an easy read. Packed with uplifting accounts of significant moments in her life, Lily expressively shares her ups and downs all in the name of helping you to realise your own greatness. If you don't like to read books, try searching online for empowering quotes and maybe create a collection of them that you can save and refer to should you need a motivational boost.

Copyright Charley Jai

Health and Fitness Overhaul 
This is a goal for most, if not all - physical and internal self-improvement. It was in 2016 that I began to take my own lifestyle more seriously. I looked at what I was consuming on a daily basis and how it was affecting me - the people around me, my place of work, my home life, the literature I was reading, my online activity, events I was attending, the food I was eating and what I was either doing too much or too little of. Although I continue to regularly assess everything, I have done well to overhaul my lifestyle. Your wellbeing should always be your top priority! This global apocalypse we're currently facing is an opportunity to focus on improving the quality of your life.

Copyright Charley Jai

One of the YouTube channels I sometimes go-to for workout videos is Pop Sugar Fitness - I find that they are really effective and can be done quite easily at home!

Complete that Registration, mate!
The online course you've been considering has your name all over it and if for whatever reason it is no longer available, that's okay, there's another one that has your spot reserved. Whether you want to learn how to cook/bake, refresh your sewing ability, take a job-specific development programme or write for stage and screen, the time is NOW, especially if the course is FREE - GET ON IT!! Adding to your skills will strengthen your employment prospects.

For the good of your mental and emotional wellbeing, it's better to have set days where you remain active and productive. It's also wise to keep a routine and to maintain a balance between being proactive and rest.

No pressure, just give it your best shot - do right by yourself, always.

Self Portrait - Copyright Charley Jai

Written by Charley Jai - @charleyjaiuk
All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing.


  1. This is great Charley! So many people are already going crazy with this self isolation, because they’re not being stimulated and haven’t set themselves any routines or goals! It’s so easy to do so, but what we should remember (and you’ve put it so well) is how lucky we are to have access to so much that can keep us going. It may sound a bit grim, but a friend if mine the other day mentioned Anne Frank. Her family, the others that lived with them and many, many others were in hiding for years and look at how long they lasted with limited supplies, limited stimulation and exercise in the conditions they lived in! Imagine!!! So, on that note, I’m gonna put this box of chocolates down and get on with those tasks I’ve been putting off - I’ve watched enough reruns of “The Big Bang Theory”! �� Thank you first the continued inspiration and positivity!

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Vel and for the additional inspiration 😊


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