Sunday, 29 March 2020


Coronavirus itself is awful. Fact. But it isn’t an entirely awful time at the moment.

Copyright Charley JaiThankfully, some of us are alive, generally well and have been self-isolating to protect ourselves and others against the killer virus. Yes, some employers are quite literally playing with the lives of their staff - they know that nobody can afford to take unpaid leave, but they also know to self-isolate is a necessary precaution - yet they make employees go into the workplace despite them not being critical staff or having any work to do. However, again, thankfully, a lot of those workers remain alive and well. Let's also be grateful for the ones still blessed with a job and a steady income!

Yes, the UK Government were backwards in coming forward (when you compare to the action taken by other countries much earlier than the UK) however, initiatives are now in place with, I pray, more to follow that will rightfully benefit all of us in the short term and long term.

I'm no expert where this matter is concerned, nobody is. I'm just trying to encourage a brighter perspective. These are very dark times but, there are positives:

- The NHS and those on the frontline!!
- There are known survivors of Coronavirus
- You can tap into lots of encouraging posts online
- You can complete or start that overdue DIY project
- Relationships can be improved or end more amicably
- You have the opportunity to explore hobbies/interests
- The ones who are loyal and true are much easier to see
- You can experiment with various ways of communication (such as ZOOM)
- You can stay on a call to your loved ones for much longer than you usually have time for
- Each of us can find strength and inspiration in one another more than many of us ever thought could or would be possible; it’s a time, if you can, to thrive! 

There are many positives - try to come up with a list of your own.

Copyright Charley Jai
It is important to maintain hope. If the possibility of being broke is a person’s only worry, then they’re winning. Some are terribly unwell, some have no support, there are homeless people struggling, some people are dying or have sadly lost their battle with the virus (those with and without underlying health issues). The crisis, in a way, is a bittersweet pill to swallow that turns sour the more you chew on it. However, this new reality is what it is, and we have no choice but to come to terms with it. We must focus on survival tactics (for ourselves and those around us) and try to stop fretting about what we cannot control. 

As much as we need to stay informed, we most certainly need to filter what we consume and how often - not all news is helpful or true! Keep your head up and keep it optimistic. If you need to, please reach out. There are so many who will be readily willing to help you stay positive during this unprecedented time.

With love and respect,

All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing.