Sunday, 21 May 2017


It can be quite difficult to pursue your purpose; the career you want, versus accepting the offer of a regular job to keep your head above water. However, I wholeheartedly believe that (near enough) everything comes down to choice, not options, and understanding who we are at our core.

Understand who you are and why
What excites you, inspires and motivates you? Why those things specifically? 

What are you most passionate about? 
This is likely to be connected to your purpose, or it is your purpose and you've yet to realise.

Get to know the way your mind works and how it responds to your heart
Are you easily distracted? Do you get upset over small things? Do you often find yourself torn between your thoughts and feelings? Do you live a healthy and balanced lifestyle? 

Having a clear mind and the ability to think logically/rationally will help you to control your feelings which will enable you to make better decisions and lead a healthier life.

Know where you stand with yourself
Being comfortable in your skin is key, literally. If you care what others think you need to know why and you then need to work on letting go. You cannot cover the costs of living with other people's thoughts of you so, learn to not give a lolly!

Look in the mirror and have a word with yourself!

You are worthy of respect and you are valuable
Intuitive and instinctive people will pick up on a lack of self appreciation fast and, while perhaps not deliberately, those who can see that you do not like/love yourself are likely to regard you in that way. Hold yourself in a manner that says, "I am confident in who I am and what I bring to the table". Set boudaries that align with how you want others to treat you.

Take action 
E.G. If in 6 months time you want to be clear of a small debt, start paying off an affordable amount each month via direct debit from now. Once cleared you can begin saving that same amount to put towards the career/dream you want. Without a plan of action the debt could get worse. Another example: if you want to start a podcast in a year or so, spend a minimum of 2 hours daily researching and planning your topics, guests, etc. Start today!

Create as many CV's as are applicable to your different skill sets and career goals
It's great if you've worked as a Secretary, Builder, Fitness Instructor and have also volunteered as a Production Assistant. However, if applying for an administrative role, your CV should only include your admin work history and the relevant/supporting skills and achievements. It's the same for your personal statement!

Apply for (temporary/short term) jobs you have an interest in 
It will be incredibly unfair to the prospective employers and also a great disservice to yourself if you send applications for everything you know you're capable of doing, while knowing that you've no real interest in over half of them. Have a strategy (and don't be put off if you have low funds. Some resources are free), be realistic, keep your real career aim at the front of your mind and remain honest with yourself about what you want from the temporary job (s) and why. 

FREE Metro newspaper - not the best but, you do occassionally find some gems!

Always be prepared!

Thorough preparation for an interview is a must. You need to work - lengthy gaps on your CV doesn't look good, you've bills to pay, maybe debts to clear and, most importantly, you're in pursuit of a career that requires you to be in a good place financially before you can even begin to get started with the official chase. However, you must also be prepared for any sudden career related opportunities that pop up - you don't want to miss them but, you also want to keep your paid job. What will you do if the most amazing career related opportunity crops up and clashes with a day you're at work? You've got to know what you'd do in this situation well in advance.

Keep it real
Let the prospective employers know (at the interview stage) that, whilst you're passionate about the role you're being interviewed for, long term, you see yourself with a career in your chosen field and intend to pursue non conflicting opportunities outside of the job. This will be fair and better for you in the long run rather than pretending you have no other interests, goals or passions and taking the job with it being expected that the job will be your life! You know how it can go in the working-for-somebody-else world.

Balance is essential
Establish a routine for yourself so that you can fit everything in giving priority to that which is a necessity. You will need to make a realistic and achievable list, perhaps change the time you wake up each morning and rearrange other commitments throughout the weeks/weekends.

Trust those who stick by you
Self belief is crucial if you're going to stand any chance of being able to successfully hold down a job while also chasing your dreams. It also helps to have trust in your nearest and dearest, that they will support you any way they can. If you don't have anyone (which I hope is not the case), pray. If you don't believe in God, step out of your comfort zone at least once a week to go and meet new people at events/places relating to your career goal with whom you can (potentially) create trustworthy friendships.

No shortcuts
Do things properly, always. Cutting corners may get you to your destination sooner, however, amongst many other things, you might find yourself without the knowledge, education and capabilities needed to sustain your achievement (s) long term. Be patient. Where you want to be starts with knowing where you ought to be right now

Yes, it's a lot and can be stressful at times, but, I think it's better to walk down the road filled with challenges and major learning curves than to walk down easy street. Stick with the challenges because, once over the hurdles, the rewards are likely to be long lasting. YOU'VE GOT THIS! So you choose, so it shall be. Stay focused.

Written by Charley Jai - @charleyjaiuk
All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing.

Sunday, 14 May 2017


Let me start by reminding you that I write from personal experience so, please keep that in mind if you choose to continue reading this post...

You're either here because you're in need of inspiration and ideas, or you want to know what others are doing with theirs and how, or you're curious about Black/Brown women's hair and why we're so anti having our hair touched by random hands!

I talked about my teen hair journey (sort of) in a previous post here but, in this entry I'll share with you the products and methods I use to look after my hair in its current form and I'll also speak on the reality of managing (my) 'black' hair. 

In my mid twenties, I decided to stop trying every recommended product and the many suggested ways to 'look after' my hair. Instead I tested (on strands at the back of my head) products I had researched (ingredients, compatibility, benefits) and stuck with whatever had me see positive results. Since then the relationship between the fro and I is good and *that's the real 'secret' to having a nice head of quality hair. We still have a way to go, but, as of 2015, we're on the right path and I'm seeing results (albeit super slow). I went from having a pixie cut (due to how damaged my hair was) to a mini Sideshow Bob afro! My hair grew fast, curly-wavy and thick!

Sideshow-Charley at home

Ove the years, I have preferred wearing braids. Simply for the fact that they're a lot easier to look after and I can just get up and go. We each treat our braids differently (hair extensions plaited into our natural hair). For me, it works to apply a teeny bit of pure coconut oil to my roots as and when I feel my head is dry, to massage olive oil into my scalp, have a steam (weekly) and then spray the hair every other day. I use both of the oils to treat my natural hair too. I usually keep my braids in for about 3 - 4 months and am likely to have washed it (with Palmer's Coconut Oil Formula conditioning shampoo) no more than twice during this period. I also allow my natural hair to breathe for up to 2 weeks (as well as moisturising my hair, I will also plait and wrap my hair when out and about) before I braid again.

Some hair products I use

In my teens and twenties I started to realise that I was spending a lot more time and money on my hair than my non Black/Brown (female) friends and all of the experimenting, treatments, magazines and hair shows attended saw me damage my (natural) hair quite badly which is why I had to cut it (not trim, CUT) really short more than once! However, that struggle was nothing in comparison to having my ('black') hair be misunderstood by those outside of my race and also ill judged (back when I cared what others thought of my hair) by fellow Black and Brown women and 'our' men too! 

Pixie Charley

The desire to touch my hair, be that in its natural form, or braids, I find weird. To reach out and do so without my permission? RUDE!! Black and Brown women's hair can be very sensitive, like a person's skin can be. The wrong hand might cause increased dryness, lead to breakage, or weakness. NO JOKE!!!! Even if that were not the case, we're all well within our rights to not allow some random individual to touch our hair 'out of curiosity'. Nobody has ever seen me try to touch a woman's overly made up face just to see if my finger will sink into her cheek past the layers of slap she's wearing! Choopse!

Black and Brown women's hair is part of their identity. Not a statement, or a flag to be flown for all other Black and Brown women. Nor is it to be worn or styled the way any other individual, regardless of their race, believes it should be so as to have the Black/Brown woman 'fit into' someones ideal. Once upon a time, Black and Brown women were encouraged to adopt a more european look, hence the use of relaxers (chemicals used to straighten natural hair) and now there's a not so subtle pressure for us to 'return to our roots' from all types of people, for whatever reasons...

The length I wore my braids 2014 - 2015

The choices you make about your hair is entirely yours to make and (to a degree) depends on your lifestyle because, hair management, as you know, is no quick step!! It's time consuming, takes a lot of planning, prep, strict routines (to see real benefits), money, and the world of patience (especially if you wear your hair in its natural form). So, while all of the related/relevant YouTube videos, Instagram pages, Facebook groups, etc., are 'showing' you 'How To Do This', when, why and telling you what the so-called results would be, know that your goal must be realistic, affordable and the success you'll see (if any) will be a reflection of your lifestyle not just (if at all) the tutorials you follow. No 2 heads of hair are the same; there is no one size fits all.


*I believe less is more and if you commit to a routine, it will likely be super effective.

Written by Charley Jai - @charleyjaiuk
All details and information correct and up to date at the time of publishing.